K-30 Firmware v1.10
So, to what is Photogem referring?
The question about the location of download files on the Pentax site still stands.
Yes but it is NOT the version that you will find on the Ricoh download site! Search the Pentaxforums site for the download.
It's a version of the K-50 f/w which has been hacked (and very successfully!) to allow a K-30 to accept it, and, during installation, you have the choice of the camera effectively reporting itself as a K-50 (the default) or still as a K-30.
Used successfully many times by many people - including myself - as, amongst other improvements, it allows modern KAF4 lenses like the 55-300 PLM to be used on a "K-30" as I did (and found it to be a tremendous lens).
I am unable to find the firmware download for the k30.
It's not on the Pentax User website (AFAIK)!
Search for the US site "Pentaxforums" then, on there, for the subsection called "Digital Cameras" and then look the sub-subsection "K-30 & K-50" - and, with a bit more searching you will find the thread containing a post with the f/w file attached, and then how to install it.,
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172 posts
11 years
Sunny Suffolk
In the event, I was unable to find the right page. The site has changed significantly since I last looked for downloads, and I could only find downlioad pages for the current cameras.
Does anyone know where the downloads for older cameras are stored now?
Also, does anyone have experience of v1.10 in the K-30? The article suggests that it allows the K-30 to use the new PLM lenses, but I thought that extra physical contacts are needed for them.