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K-1 firmware update 1.4

Posted 11/11/2016 - 21:13 Link
jeallen01 wrote:

I cannot but totally agree - I bought into a "system" which, nowadays, just does not "deliver".

If you're an action shooter and you bought in to Pentax, well...................................!!!

I'm with Magdalena on this, how do you or I know what can and can't be done in FW or name a multi national that explains their thoughts and decisions to the public.
LBA is good for you, a Lens a day helps you work, rest and play.
Edited by McBrian: 11/11/2016 - 21:14
Posted 11/11/2016 - 21:21 Link

I "bought" into Pentax before I really got into action shooting - but now that I am "there", I am, as I said, "disappointed" at the current lack of relevant "support" for what is for me, and many others (both Pentax users, and users of other systems), an important aspect of for what we use our cameras. should acknowledge that and react according (but, so far, they have not ).
K-3 II, K-3 and a K-70 from SRS (having now relegated the K-30 /"K-50" to a backup body), & some Sigma and Pentax lenses (and a lot of old 35mm gear!)
Posted 11/11/2016 - 21:42 Link
Well I was very happy to have bought the K-3 and there were updates as I said, such as diffraction correction. It may be other updates were not technically possible or that they were not released to encourage customers to get the K 3II. Its still they camera I bought and I am still very happy with it.

I also have the K-1 and it is encouraging to see Pentax releasing firmware updates to increase functionality. It may be because of a new policy towards firmware updates or merely that there is no newer model full frame.

Anyway the new firmware for the K-1 has not been officially released - just have to wait and see.

Posted 11/11/2016 - 21:55 Link

Don't forget that are a lot of us "out here" who don't want/can't carry the extra weight (especially with a long (like 300mm+) lens /can't afford a K-1 (and, Yes, I have tried one!) or similar body. and we are effectively the majority of Pentax users - so our opinions DO "count" in the context of the longterm future of the whole Pentax "experience", and so that could affect yourself as well if don't, or won't, "listen" to us .

OR, am I, sadly,talking to the "unconvertible", and I would like to get "political" at this point, but it's not the time nor the place to do that, ????
K-3 II, K-3 and a K-70 from SRS (having now relegated the K-30 /"K-50" to a backup body), & some Sigma and Pentax lenses (and a lot of old 35mm gear!)
Edited by jeallen01: 11/11/2016 - 22:14
Posted 11/11/2016 - 22:30 Link
jeallen01 wrote:
OR, am I, sadly,talking to the "unconvertible" ????

No, I think you're being unrealistic. Why did Ricoh bring out the K3ii variants if it could all have been added to the original K-3? Presumably there were hardware changes though you suggest there wasn't. Are you certain about that?
The K-1 is only slightly heavier than a K-3, the extra weight is only marginal and would be well worth marrying to your 300mm someday.
Other manufacturers keep doing firmware updates because they didn't get it right first time, or so I read on other forums. If you have discovered a problem with the K-3 firmware, submit it to Pentax and I'd expect them to get it sorted. Are you aware of any unfixed K-3 issues other than wishing it had things more recent cameras have?
John K
Posted 11/11/2016 - 22:44 Link

Not "arguing", as such, with you, but, as I said earlier, NEVER says, or does, anything about possible updates to older models when they release new ones in the same range. All "we want" are the rationales as to why then they cannot do that - if they did that then we would not have, nor would we generally try to create, any reasons to make adverse comments on this very relevant aspect of their attitude to us users of the older bodies. Simples!

Weights? - that's a very personal question, but if I could afford a reasonably good Sony full frame EVF or micro 4/3rds system, then I would probably do that (and then some people would probably shout " good riddance and hopefully we won't see anymore of him here again"!)
K-3 II, K-3 and a K-70 from SRS (having now relegated the K-30 /"K-50" to a backup body), & some Sigma and Pentax lenses (and a lot of old 35mm gear!)
Posted 11/11/2016 - 22:58 Link
EVFs must surely be worse for action photography due to the image lag in the viewfinder? So don't think one of those would solve your problem! If you go down that line, do a test run first to avoid disappointment. Also, definition from an EVF viewfinder isn't so good as you get from a pentaprism, so harder to get the shutter to fire at precisely the right time which sounds to be your concern (or do you just machine gun them?!)
My friend has a Canon EVF (the M) and fails to get half the shots I manage to get on the Pentax. And some think they're better!The best way to get decent bird photos is to get as close as possible, not rely on long telephoto lenses. That's why professional wildlife photographers build hides to get close and get to learn their subjects.
John K
Edited by JAK: 11/11/2016 - 23:04
Posted 11/11/2016 - 23:11 Link
jeallen01 wrote:

Don't forget that are a lot of us "out here" who don't want/can't carry the extra weight (especially with a long (like 300mm+) lens /can't afford a K-1 (and, Yes, I have tried one!) or similar body. and we are effectively the majority of Pentax users - so our opinions DO "count" in the context of the longterm future of the whole Pentax "experience", and so that could affect yourself as well if don't, or won't, "listen" to us .

OR, am I, sadly,talking to the "unconvertible", and I would like to get "political" at this point, but it's not the time nor the place to do that, ????

I don't why you are getting so worked up. Of course the majority of Pentax users are APSC shooters, of course many will not want or able able to get into full frame, of course your and the opinions of other matter.

All I am saying is we don't know why Pentax has not given the K-3 any more additional functionality through firmware updates. I don't know about you, but I have bought cameras based on the functionality they have and have not expected firmware updates to give more, however much I appreciate it if it happens.

Posted 11/11/2016 - 23:13 Link

Think that what I have read about the latest Fuji XT-series bodies (which I also can't afford!) might begin to possible change your mind. Canon M (or any rear screen-only) series bodies I would not even consider as they just don't work for me. I think you are trying to divert this thread from its original central point about the "" attitude to its users - which I was not .
K-3 II, K-3 and a K-70 from SRS (having now relegated the K-30 /"K-50" to a backup body), & some Sigma and Pentax lenses (and a lot of old 35mm gear!)
Posted 11/11/2016 - 23:34 Link
Don't think I am diverting this thread, you've already done that! If you check the thread title it's about a potential K-1 firmware update, nothing to do with belated K-3 updates. As a K-1 owner it was certainly of interest to me and was not expecting to find discussion about belated K-3 releases.
John K
Posted 12/11/2016 - 10:00 Link
To say they never do it is wrong. I was pleased to get focus peaking on my Q

Posted 12/11/2016 - 13:55 Link
If Pentax can offer older models new features through a firmware update then they should, just think of the brownie points they would win from loyal owners and incentives to potential new owners. Obviously they cannot always do this for various reasons e.g. physical restrictions but I think if they can then they should! Getting focus peaking to a Q sounds a great upgrade which must have pleased owners no end.
Posted 12/11/2016 - 14:30 Link
Should Ricoh/Pentax really pour resources into fiddling around with their old models (which aren't broken necessitating an update) or look to developing new models?
And Pentax's new big thing is focus peaking and improved microdrive support for the *istDS. Who the heck would be interested? We've moved on.
John K
Edited by JAK: 12/11/2016 - 14:34
Posted 12/11/2016 - 15:23 Link
JAK wrote:
Should Ricoh/Pentax really pour resources into fiddling around with their old models

At what stage should they walk away? When is old? 1 year?

We're seeing very few new feature updates, instead bug fixes and added compatibility for newer lenses, where the older hardware is compatible, to ensure you can spend more money.

With Pentax you had better make damn sure that what they are offering at release time is exactly what you need, as they're very likely not coming back with anything new. You'll have to buy a whole new product for that.

As above, other brands these days are doing this much better, and as a consumer that would be a good move, to know they'll support you in the future. I think there is a happy medium somewhere between financially sensible on their part and nothing at all.
Posted 12/11/2016 - 16:47 Link
JAK wrote:
Pentax's new big thing is focus peaking and improved microdrive support for the *istDS. Who the heck would be interested?

People with a *istDS!

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