Is my Q faulty ? Mode Dial help needed.
I found the manual confusing, it says you can store up to four settings but then contradicts itself by saying only 1 setting at a time, that's why I searched online.
This was the method I found:
1. set up your camera with the settings you want it to save. If you want it to be b&w, or any other filter, set them up now.
2. press the menu button and press the right arrow key to get to tab 3
3. go down one to Quick Dial
4. press right to edit the quick dial settings
5. choose smart effects
6. Then scroll down to one of the quick dial spaces
7. press left/right until you get the USER 1, 2, or 3 setting in the box
8. press -/+ button to edit the settings
9. choose which user mode you want to save your settings as and hit the green button to manage that user setting
10. choose "save settings"
Now the effects that you chose in the begging are saved as USER 1, 2, or 3. Choose them in the smart dial menu. Now when you change the smart dial, it will cycle through your user settings.
At least I know the camera is OK albeit "broken" due to a firmware update
I must admit that user manual isn't as clear as it should be re User 1, 2 and 3. The seem a bit of an afterthough by Pentax, extra functionality but not as well integrated as they could be.
I no longer use quick dial myself, shoot DNG and do everything in post processing seems easier and safer. But then I've never been tempted by fancy things like the toy camera look.
Good luck!
A list of what can be changed would also have been useful, I noticed that white balance is one of them although given the performance of Pentax AWB I doubt I'd ever want to specify anything different for any given mode.
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6376 posts
18 years
I set B&W, High Contrast and Aspect Ratio 1:1, and saved to User 1 then checked it was OK, I then set Reversal Film, Toy Camera and Aspect 4:3 and saved to User 2 only to find User 1 had reverted back to 4:3 Aspect Ratio but retained the other two settings.
I've tried several times with random settings but all with the same results, changing the aspect ratio of any user setting changes them all to the same.
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