I messed up my prints, how to restore them?
I appreciate that it is a bit late now, but if you want to put identifying detail onto the back of prints, a soft pencil e.g. 6B is probably the safest as the graphite won't bleed. Good luck
Currently thinking that will probably have to either reprint in local store or scan them
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294 posts
12 years
So one day I decided to sort out the prints from my film cameras, I got rid of the poor ones, dated and added names with short descriptions on the backs of the keepers.
Having finished all of that, to my horror I realised that the ink had transferred from the back of the photos to the photos underneath, badly staining majority of them.
Having done a bit of Googling, and found out that white spirit removes ink from photos, and it did work rather well indeed. I left them to dry and stacked into one pile a bit later to continue when I had more time.
Now I came back to them, and all the prints are stuck together. The ink transfer has become worse, as I assume white spirit diluted the ink further. Basically an utter mess and the prints are no good now.
We are talking about 100 odd prints here, and I have negatives for all of them. However I believe reprinting random negatives will prove too costly. Thus before going down that road, I was wondering if anyone has any better ideas?
Digitalisation? Good, cheap print house? Scanning the prints and PS? Automagical apps?
I have tried using bellows and a scanner before, but couldn't figure out the colours even after spending hours futzing with it. So not sure that's the route, but willing to try.
Thank you in advance