Hi from South Carolina
Posted 11/04/2018 - 22:04
Welcome Sam - that's a leap from MX to K5! Hope you enjoy your time on here and look forward to seeing some of your work!
Posted 11/04/2018 - 22:42
Hello & welcome; looking forward to seeing some images from your home State.
K-5iiS; K-r; ME Super; ME; DA* 16-50 f2.8; DA 18-135 WR; DA 55-300 WR; HD DA 15mm F4 ED AL Limited; FA 50mm f1.4; A50mm f1.7; DAL 18-55mm; M40mm f2.8; + assorted non-Pentax lenses
My Flikr Page link
My Flikr Page link
Posted 11/04/2018 - 22:59
alfpics wrote:
Welcome Sam - that's a leap from MX to K5! Hope you enjoy your time on here and look forward to seeing some of your work!
Welcome Sam - that's a leap from MX to K5! Hope you enjoy your time on here and look forward to seeing some of your work!
It's a big leap, I'm on a steep learning curve. Thanks for the welcome. Just posted three test shots here on the Pentax Lenses forum.
Posted 11/04/2018 - 23:03
swarf wrote:
Hello & welcome; looking forward to seeing some images from your home State.
Hello & welcome; looking forward to seeing some images from your home State.
Thanks. Isn't Woking where McClaren F1's factory is located?
Posted 12/04/2018 - 09:07
slovell1 wrote:
Thanks. Isn't Woking where McClaren F1's factory is located?
swarf wrote:
Hello & welcome; looking forward to seeing some images from your home State.
Hello & welcome; looking forward to seeing some images from your home State.
Thanks. Isn't Woking where McClaren F1's factory is located?
Yep - in a straight line it's about 1.5 miles from where I live. The factory is built on the edge of Horsell Common which is where the Martians first landed in H.G. Wells story "The War of the Worlds".
K-5iiS; K-r; ME Super; ME; DA* 16-50 f2.8; DA 18-135 WR; DA 55-300 WR; HD DA 15mm F4 ED AL Limited; FA 50mm f1.4; A50mm f1.7; DAL 18-55mm; M40mm f2.8; + assorted non-Pentax lenses
My Flikr Page link
My Flikr Page link
Posted 12/04/2018 - 16:46
I've always thought Ron Dennis is part Martian.
Posted 13/04/2018 - 00:42
The K5 is a fine camera. After a while, your fingers will do things by themselves but just try to learn one item t a time! Welcome to this friendly group.
Posted 14/04/2018 - 18:19
Thanks everyone. I love my K5, I try to learn something about it every day.
Regards, Sam
Regards, Sam
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9 posts
6 years
Regards, Sam