Headings in classified ads forum
Posted 29/05/2014 - 00:12
It's a fine idea, but the OP won't be able to make that edit. It would have to be the Mod Team and it would mean continually reading all the threads. As things stand, I'm not sure we'd be able to do that reliably.
Posted 29/05/2014 - 10:12
No, there's a time limit on editing, and there are very good reasons for that.
Best regards, John
Posted 29/05/2014 - 11:03
How about simply being able to delete the thread?
Posted 29/05/2014 - 11:07
The threads are kept because they form a feedback history for sellers and buyers alike. We can see all the deals ever done, building confidence as time goes by.
Best regards, John
Posted 29/05/2014 - 11:14
Darstadlydarcey wrote:
Not sure where to post this. Having just read through a number of ads in the forum I wonder if sellers could be asked to indicate in the heading when an item is sold? It is frustrating to read a number of comments on an item ( e.g. a particular lens you are looking for) to find on the bottom of page 2 that it is now "sold". I assume this would simply involve editing the topic title?
Not sure where to post this. Having just read through a number of ads in the forum I wonder if sellers could be asked to indicate in the heading when an item is sold? It is frustrating to read a number of comments on an item ( e.g. a particular lens you are looking for) to find on the bottom of page 2 that it is now "sold". I assume this would simply involve editing the topic title?
If you are looking for a specific lens would it not be better starting a "want to buy" thread?
Barrie - Too Old To Die Young
Posted 29/05/2014 - 12:09
A small change to the forum software could be made to allow the Original Poster to edit just the title or an auto function where the OP would attempt to edit the post but be given just a choice of tick boxes - SOLD, Withdrawn, ... the software would then add that one word to the start of the title.
Posted 29/05/2014 - 12:17
Blythman wrote:
Just as there are very good counter reasons for being able to.
Here we go again ........ lol
johnriley wrote:
No, there's a time limit on editing, and there are very good reasons for that.
No, there's a time limit on editing, and there are very good reasons for that.
Just as there are very good counter reasons for being able to.
Here we go again ........ lol
Been there, done that ... everything that is being mentioned lately has been previously brought up on more than one occasion. I gave up commenting long ago as I got a headache banging my head against the wall.
Every other forum I use allows members to edit their posts, if a problem does arise at a later date them moderators should always be able to see any changes that were made.
Posted 29/05/2014 - 12:25
If posters can edit their posts, what was happening was that some were actually going back and altering what they had previously said, thus undermining an argument. There were some cases where considerable mischief happened, so the ability to edit was time limited to prevent this abuse.
In the case of a sale, a devious seller could post "the lens has no scratches" and later change it to "the lens has some scratches" so the possibility of doing that is simply not there.
In the case of a sale, a devious seller could post "the lens has no scratches" and later change it to "the lens has some scratches" so the possibility of doing that is simply not there.
Best regards, John
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70 posts
15 years
Not sure where to post this. Having just read through a number of ads in the forum I wonder if sellers could be asked to indicate in the heading when an item is sold? It is frustrating to read a number of comments on an item ( e.g. a particular lens you are looking for) to find on the bottom of page 2 that it is now "sold". I assume this would simply involve editing the topic title?