GR III Focus speed
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Fast, sharp 50mm F Series vintage lens from Pentax. John Riley reviews this easily adapted, widely available f/1.7 classic, sharing sample photos, MTF & CA performance charts along with his verdict of this standard length K mount lens.
Photograph titled 'Oyster Fungi' by sueriley selected as Pentax User's Photo of the Week.
719 posts
13 years
Interesting video ..... LINK
I have responded to the link to DPreview forum, but for convenience I'll post my response here:
I bought a GR III last week and find the autofocus is far far better than that illustrated in the movie clip in this topic here. I have tired it in bright light and low light, and it's fine, better than my original GR was, and I thought that it was ok.
Perhaps what might explain the difference is that I am using the latest firmware and I doubt the original post was. It can be downloaded from the Ricoh website . I bought my GR III with V 1.11 installed and first thing I did was install V 1.20.
It would be interesting to hear from those who found the focus slow with original firmware installed and have subsequently upgraded to the current version. Did you notice an improvement?
Here's a list of firmware updates with some details:
Changes to V1.20
Add the following enhanced features
[Grain Effect]
[Grain Effect] has been added to [Monotone], [Soft Monotone], [Hard Monotone] and [Hi-Contrast B&W] mode as adjustment items under [Image control] of the 6 [Image Process Setting] menu in the [Still Image Setting].
[Horizon Correction]
[Horizon Correction] has been added to the 7 [Shooting Assist] menu in the [Still Image Setting].
For more details click here.
Improved Contents
From the power off state, the start-up time when starting by pressing and holding the Playback button has been shortened.
Improved the response of the release when shooting subjects with different brightness continuously.
In [Auto-area AF], improved the phenomenon that the focus on behind in rare cases.
Improved stability for general performance.
Changes to V1.11
Corrected --- When playback movie on the camera, dropping frames occur in firmware version 1.10.
The version display in the USB device tree of Mac OS is worked with the firmware version.
Improved stability for general performance.
Changes to V1.10
Improved AF performance in dark places and low contrast.
Correspond to Image Sync connection.
*Please use with Image Sync version (2.0.4) or later.
*With Image Sync version (2.0.4), you can only view and transfer images via a wireless LAN connection.
Improved stability for general performance.