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Got your K-1 II?

Posted 04/04/2018 - 14:43 Link
According to SRS the K-1 II has been around for a few days now yet there seems to be no information regarding Pixel shift, ISO (and more interestingly to me anyway) autofocus performance.

So is there anyone here that has purchased one got anything to share about the new body yet?
Posted 04/04/2018 - 15:16 Link
Mike-P wrote:
According to SRS the K-1 II has been around for a few days now yet there seems to be no information regarding Pixel shift, ISO (and more interestingly to me anyway) autofocus performance.

So is there anyone here that has purchased one got anything to share about the new body yet?

Yes and not much (yet)

I don't do scientific or properly controlled tests, so my views are really just a quick summary of how it seems to work for me....

Pixel Shift - had one quick go without knowing what I was doing - the result was almost indistinguishable from a single preceding shot, I was looking for the "Wow - that was easy to get a much better image" factor but it didn't happen on that one test. Obviously I will delve further when I get some proper weather and time.

ISO - Yes there does seem to be a little improvement in low light indoor results. I've never really been one for shooting above 1600, but the K1 was good at 3200 -the MkII is good at 6400 (for me).

AF - Again I believe there is some improvement, when I got the original K1 it wasn't long before I switched back to my trusty old single point AF, but with the K1 II I am currently happy with the default multi-point selection - it works well for me, seems fast and accurate (although certain lenses are going to need the micro-adjustment).

I see it as an evolution not a revolution, but these 3 areas are all significant to me so thought it was worth getting the new version anyway

I'll try to post when I've got anything worth saying
Posted 04/04/2018 - 16:27 Link
LennyBloke wrote:
I see it as an evolution not a revolution, but these 3 areas are all significant to me so thought it was worth getting the new version anyway

I think we are used to that with Pentax by now

Thanks Lenny, seems quite promising.
Posted 04/04/2018 - 17:21 Link
Think I might pop over to SRS at some stage and try the new K1II in AF-C mode with a lens or two. If there is an improvement it would sway me to a purchase.
Posted 04/04/2018 - 17:41 Link
I don't want to be downbeat or cast the wrong impression. Because as an owner of the K1. I have never taken an image using pixel shift technology.. But it seems to me that if there were wow factor improvements over the K1.. There would be a host of marketing video from Ricoh stating and proving such...

Or do their design improvements / afterthoughts over the last two years seem to go unnoticeable... Except for a MKII badge that is....?
K-1Gripped K-1 ungripped K-5ii K7 Various lenses

Edited by stub: 04/04/2018 - 17:48
Posted 04/04/2018 - 18:40 Link
stub wrote:
But it seems to me that if there were wow factor improvements over the K1.. There would be a host of marketing video from Ricoh stating and proving such...


To be honest I have rarely seen a Pentax camera advert anywhere never mind a marketing video, If they can't even do that for their first full frame digital body I doubt they are going to do any for a improved version.
Posted 04/04/2018 - 18:49 Link
Loads of videos so i guess they only market in japan eh?

has anyone ever interviewed Ricoh based in France?
Posted 04/04/2018 - 18:55 Link
wvbarnes wrote:
Loads of videos so i guess they only market in japan eh?

Haven't they just used the original K-1 videos and renamed them? Lucky there is no speech as I can't understand Japanese.
Posted 04/04/2018 - 19:01 - Helpful Comment Link
Probably totally pointless, this is a quick, no clue what I'm doing test of Pixel-Shift (handheld) - imported to LightRoom, no processing, exported at 2400 pixels (long side) - I guess they should look the same as LR doesn't handle pixel-shift specifically - does that sound right?
... (click for full 2400 image)...

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The imported DNG's were vastly different in size (42Mb and 157Mb) the exports from LR were the same size.
Posted 04/04/2018 - 19:09 Link
I have never tried pixel shift on the K-1 or K-3II but I think it has to be processed in Pentax software.

However I presume the fact your first shot with it switched on is just as sharp as the second shows that it has worked just fine.
Posted 05/04/2018 - 08:00 Link
We've got one coming in to the office this week, so will be testing this as part of the review
Posted 05/04/2018 - 10:50 Link
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this is K3ii pixel shift so maybe not relevant but i was impressed . the first is the shot hand held which took a while for the camera to process hence all the movement. the second is after motion correction in DCU5
Posted 05/04/2018 - 11:02 Link
It's unlikely that handheld pixel shift will be as good as the original on a tripod where the shots are moved exactly 1 pixel for each.

The improvement is that you can do pixel shift hand-held although with a steady hand that has always been possible.

Some good original K-1 samples in this thread... 28mm f/3.5 Wow!

Half Man... Half Pentax ... Half Cucumber

Pentax K-1 + K-5 and some other stuff

Edited by Algernon: 05/04/2018 - 11:13
Posted 13/04/2018 - 12:08 Link
I have to say there is a suprising lack of information out there from real K-1 II users at the moment.

Makes you wonder how popular it actually is ... although I believe it has only just gone out in other countries.
Posted 13/04/2018 - 19:45 Link
There is a person on another forum , who stated the K1 pixelshift came close to the image quality of uji medium format.
Sounds decent enough.


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