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Full Frame So They Say

Posted 16/09/2014 - 19:33 Link
Link to 'Le Monde de la Photo' Magazine link you might have to translate it
Posted 16/09/2014 - 19:37 Link
PPG Wedding photography Flickr
Concert photography

Currently on a Pentax hiatus until an FF Pentax is released
Posted 16/09/2014 - 19:51 Link
......and here in (sort of) English link
Edited by michaelblue: 16/09/2014 - 19:53
Posted 16/09/2014 - 19:53 Link
michaelblue wrote:
......and here in English link

....not so
Posted 16/09/2014 - 19:58 Link
Here is what it says.....

to quote from the website: "It's official: it will be one full frame camera Ricoh Imaging. It will wait until next year, the project is under development.

The brand occupies the segment of the APS-C DSLRs in K-mount and medium format, with the 645D and 645Z . We wondered if Ricoh would cross not invest and achieving full format. Both samples visible on the stand of the brand at the Photokina leave little room for doubt: according to the description provided and size, one can imagine that this is probably future 70-200 mm f / 2 8 and a zoom type 100-400 mm, covering the 36 x 24: Ricoh officially recognizes a project is under development and will be unveiled next year, without specifying a period for the moment. The brand will join Canon, Nikon and Sony, all SLR 24 x 36 which offer their catalog."
Edited by michaelblue: 16/09/2014 - 19:59
Posted 16/09/2014 - 20:18 Link
Didn't they say that in 2013? Not that I could afford anyway
Posted 16/09/2014 - 20:20 Link
Another carrot being dangled a 70-200 one this time and again it's next year!

Whilst loyal Pentax users await the Holy Grail other manufacturers are producing stunning cameras and, more importantly, modern high end lenses.

Full frame apart, it’s time to see some decent kit (not promises) being marketed with a new line of system items to support it.

Fujifilm has published a detailed roadmap of all their future system developments. Included in their range is the fabulous fast 56mm 1.2 glass with plenty more on the map. To come close to this with Pentax we need to go back several decades in design and try to find a decent copy of a 50mm 1.2 on Ebay.

Sorry loyal fans but we discuss monstrosities such as the new K-S1 and try to find reasons for it being out there. Ok it, yet again, comes in many colours and Mr Lego will be delighted. Add to this the new finding Nemo camera and yet again Ricoh Pentax has failed to deliver what so many keen photographers are looking for.

I want to stay with Pentax but am finding it difficult not to be attracted by the current and future developments offered by most other manufacturers and importantly their openness regarding ongoing projects.
Posted 16/09/2014 - 20:47 Link
PentaxPrime wrote:
Another carrot being dangled a 70-200 one this time and again it's next year!

Whilst loyal Pentax users await the Holy Grail other manufacturers are producing stunning cameras and, more importantly, modern high end lenses.

Full frame apart, it’s time to see some decent kit (not promises) being marketed with a new line of system items to support it.

Fujifilm has published a detailed roadmap of all their future system developments. Included in their range is the fabulous fast 56mm 1.2 glass with plenty more on the map. To come close to this with Pentax we need to go back several decades in design and try to find a decent copy of a 50mm 1.2 on Ebay.

Sorry loyal fans but we discuss monstrosities such as the new K-S1 and try to find reasons for it being out there. Ok it, yet again, comes in many colours and Mr Lego will be delighted. Add to this the new finding Nemo camera and yet again Ricoh Pentax has failed to deliver what so many keen photographers are looking for.

I want to stay with Pentax but am finding it difficult not to be attracted by the current and future developments offered by most other manufacturers and importantly their openness regarding ongoing projects.

So the K5, K5IIs and K3 are poor products then?

....and presumably 'Mr Lego' (probably the Asian market) is buying these colours otherwise Ricoh/Pentax wouldn't pursue the idea

Personally I'm quite satisfied with (and am still learning) my K5 and am not hankering after the next 'big thing' I can't afford.
We see so many people selling their camera after only six months ownership, to 'upgrade' to the next model with a hundred features they will never use.
How many "please give us a full frame camera" photographers would actually buy one I wonder?

When I was cabinet making I loved to make just the 'Bespoke' furniture for people who could afford it but I also had to make the 'bread and butter' jobs to pay the bills and make some profit.....Pentax/Ricoh would not survive living off K3's and 645z's
Posted 16/09/2014 - 21:00 Link
michaelblue wrote:
PentaxPrime wrote:
Another carrot being dangled a 70-200 one this time and again it's next year!

Whilst loyal Pentax users await the Holy Grail other manufacturers are producing stunning cameras and, more importantly, modern high end lenses.

Full frame apart, it’s time to see some decent kit (not promises) being marketed with a new line of system items to support it.

Fujifilm has published a detailed roadmap of all their future system developments. Included in their range is the fabulous fast 56mm 1.2 glass with plenty more on the map. To come close to this with Pentax we need to go back several decades in design and try to find a decent copy of a 50mm 1.2 on Ebay.

Sorry loyal fans but we discuss monstrosities such as the new K-S1 and try to find reasons for it being out there. Ok it, yet again, comes in many colours and Mr Lego will be delighted. Add to this the new finding Nemo camera and yet again Ricoh Pentax has failed to deliver what so many keen photographers are looking for.

I want to stay with Pentax but am finding it difficult not to be attracted by the current and future developments offered by most other manufacturers and importantly their openness regarding ongoing projects.

So the K5, K5IIs and K3 are poor products then?

....and presumably 'Mr Lego' (probably the Asian market) is buying these colours otherwise Ricoh/Pentax wouldn't pursue the idea

Personally I'm quite satisfied with (and am still learning) my K5 and am not hankering after the next 'big thing' I can't afford.
We see so many people selling their camera after only six months ownership, to 'upgrade' to the next model with a hundred features they will never use.
How many "please give us a full frame camera" photographers would actually buy one I wonder?

When I was cabinet making I loved to make just the 'Bespoke' furniture for people who could afford it but I also had to make the 'bread and butter' jobs to pay the bills and make some profit.....Pentax/Ricoh would not survive living off K3's and 645z's

No it wouldn't but photography as a hobby is very progressive and it is natural for photographers to improve themselves and their kit, yet the gap between aps c and 645z is way to far apart.

And Full Frame isn't about features you will never use, it's about using lenses that have very little distortion, sensors that are brilliant in low light or reproduce accurate skin tones. Having used a full frame camera I wouldn't go back to crop sensor cameras.
PPG Wedding photography Flickr
Concert photography

Currently on a Pentax hiatus until an FF Pentax is released
Posted 16/09/2014 - 21:25 Link
Perhaps the runaway success of the K-500 (18th Best Seller Amazon UK) will produce enough profit for them to waste it on a FF to compete with the Sony A7 (46th Best Seller Amazon UK)

I wonder if any of you people moaning about the lack of a FF camera have actually simulated one by stitching 3 portrait APS-C shots into one landscape It's acually better because the edges of the shot come from the sharper centre of the lens.

You could even go better and stitch a 645Z

Half Man... Half Pentax ... Half Cucumber

Pentax K-1 + K-5 and some other stuff

Edited by Algernon: 16/09/2014 - 21:29
Posted 16/09/2014 - 21:39 Link
michaelblue wrote:

So the K5, K5IIs and K3 are poor products then?

....and presumably 'Mr Lego' (probably the Asian market) is buying these colours otherwise Ricoh/Pentax wouldn't pursue the idea

Personally I'm quite satisfied with (and am still learning) my K5 and am not hankering after the next 'big thing' I can't afford.
We see so many people selling their camera after only six months ownership, to 'upgrade' to the next model with a hundred features they will never use.
How many "please give us a full frame camera" photographers would actually buy one I wonder?

When I was cabinet making I loved to make just the 'Bespoke' furniture for people who could afford it but I also had to make the 'bread and butter' jobs to pay the bills and make some profit.....Pentax/Ricoh would not survive living off K3's and 645z's

To clarify Mr Lego is referring to the toy!
Comment Image

As you pointed out The k range have been good cameras but they cannot rest in today's market and run the risk of being left behind. The option to progress within the system should be made available and with a full frame model the brand IMO would stand a better chance of survival.

If anything I would like to see a full frame without all of the fancy stuff but instead the most basic of designs that simple delivers great quality of image. A k1000 with digital technology would do nicely.
Posted 16/09/2014 - 22:03 Link
Currently on a Pentax hiatus until an FF Pentax is released

Gary, i think your above statements is very well put. If I could have a Pentax K3 full frame, the higher ISO ability would solve a lot of my needs together with a fast f/2.8 70-200 * lens.

Am really looking into the Nikon D750, but I would have to sell a lot of Pentax gear to fund the camera and some Nikon glass. I am really torn at the moment as my commissioned work requires higher ISO and longer focal lengths than my Pentax kit allows, but i really like the Pentax camera interface.
Posted 16/09/2014 - 22:07 Link
cabstar wrote:

And Full Frame isn't about features you will never use, it's about using lenses that have very little distortion, sensors that are brilliant in low light or reproduce accurate skin tones. Having used a full frame camera I wouldn't go back to crop sensor cameras.

Thank you, tonal range, colour rendition and low light capability.
Posted 16/09/2014 - 22:34 Link
I'm concerned about this - if Pentax do bring out a decent full frame to plug the gap between apsc and 645 then we will have to go back to whinging about the lack of lenses or even af

It seems here that whinging will always be rife - I get it - Gary has a job to do and uses the best available tool, Fletcher8 would seem to be in a similar position and point of view - no issues with this

Presuming Pentax release a full frame camera, once we have whinged about the button placement, the af, the size, the design, the colour etc then the lack of lenses we couldn't afford if they existed and then the moderators of the forum etc etc etc

Can we stop being so damn negative and concentrate on taking pictures please

Incidentally I am sooooo busy I have photo's from august 1st not yet processed, from our holiday at the beginning of August, my birthday and the New Brighton Rally yet I still have work to do stripping the little ones room back to bare floor boards, brick and ceiling joists (in places), re plastering (in process) then woodwork replacement decorating and carpets whilst also working a 40 hour week and helping my better half care for her elderly father - I would love to have more time to be here but I am not missing the negativity one little bit

Ok we don't have full frame yet, most of us can't afford a 645d or z and if we had longer glass some/most could not afford that or the 560 already available.

With Pentax we have some great cameras and glass - can we not concentrate on how to get the best from what is available from Pentax and third party glass instead : :::

I'll be back to being 'diy' busy tomorrow but will return Thursday or Friday to face the reponses
K10D, K5 plus plenty of clueless enthusiasm.

My Flickr site link
Posted 16/09/2014 - 23:26 Link
I miss Pentax af, for my concert work it is quiet simply the best af there is, fast, accurate and reliable and I couldn't say that for years about Pentax. As for FF apart from the zooms 24-70 and 70-200 which looks like it is finally here Pentax have a fantastic range of FF glass available now, their primes are some of the best around.

I think when the FF does arrive it will be a fantastic piece of kit. The k-5 mkii set the standard for APS C bodies surely an FF body will follow that standard?
PPG Wedding photography Flickr
Concert photography

Currently on a Pentax hiatus until an FF Pentax is released

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