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Forum member "robbiec"?

Posted 12/05/2017 - 10:00 Link
Hi everyone,

Not sure where to put this but just wondered if anyone have heard from/about forum member "robbiec" recently? He offered to give me a refund (Lens purchased from him but was never delivered) and asked for my account information but I've not heard back from him since I sent him my details. I am not naming and shaming here but I am just trying to find out whether he is OK or if there is a genuine reason why he hasn't replied. The last two messages I sent him are still in my Outbox, so I presume they haven't been read/delivered? Could this be a technical issue with the messaging system?
Thanks for you time everyone.

Posted 12/05/2017 - 10:48 Link
Can't comment on your case, but I have dealt with him in the past with no issues.
Might well be a genuine reason for delay in getting sorted.
I know what i like, If not always why.
Posted 12/05/2017 - 11:19 Link
The messaging system is fine. Messages stay in the outbox until read by the recipient.
Best regards, John
Posted 12/05/2017 - 11:41 Link
I bought a Pentax 30mm off Robbie a few years ago and he was excellent to deal with and would be happy to deal with him again.

Half Man... Half Pentax ... Half Cucumber

Pentax K-1 + K-5 and some other stuff

Posted 12/05/2017 - 17:03 Link
Dealt with Robbie a few times - great to deal with in my experiences, I'm sure he's just busy with something else at present.

Posted 12/05/2017 - 20:13 Link
johnriley wrote:
The messaging system is fine. Messages stay in the outbox until read by the recipient.

Thanks for the clarification John. I didn't think the messaging system was at fault as I have been able to exchange PMs with other members without issue but just thought I'd ask.
Posted 15/05/2017 - 19:40 Link
Thanks a lot for the comments everyone.

I guess there isn't really much I can do, is there? I think I have been quite reasonable in regards to the waiting/timing but do let me know if you think otherwise:

13th April - Payment made
19th April - Lens sent
24th April - Enquired about the delivery
26th April - Reply from seller and was offered a refund if lens does not arrive by 28th
28th April - Lens still not arrived but I decided to wait for a few more days and hoped it will turn up
3rd May - Lens still not turned up, so I asked seller for a refund.
3rd May - Sent my account detail in the afternoon but have had no reply
5th May - Sent another message to seller but have had no reply

The strange thing is that the last message I received was on the 3rd May but in the profile it is stated that he was last logged on on the 27th April?!?! That was what prompted my original question regarding possible messaging issues. What I don't understand is IF the seller is not willing to give me a refund, why bother replying at all and offer me a refund? Also, is it a coincidence that he just stopped replying after a refund was requested? I don't really know but like I said ealier, there is actually nothing I can do (Not that I know of anyway!)

Posted 15/05/2017 - 23:16 Link
doubled wrote:
He offered to give me a refund (Lens purchased from him but was never delivered)

Did you get any tracking information, if so does that suggest whether the lens was perhaps delivered to someone other than yourself in error?
I always try and get the tracking info to get some idea when the parcel is out for delivery.
John K
Edited by JAK: 15/05/2017 - 23:18
Posted 15/05/2017 - 23:46 Link
You have waited long enough, time for some detective work. You have name and location, and if necessary police can use the account details you paid into. Robbiec will have proof of postage, hopefully with insurance so send a final message with a deadline before making it official.

Ps as a rule I always get an address before ordering anything online, and check it out on Google Streetview. Also pay with credit card so the bank can deal with problems and refund fraudulent payments (the bank is the purchaser, not you).
Edited by RobL: 15/05/2017 - 23:54
Posted 15/05/2017 - 23:58 Link
You can't normally pay for a private sale with a credit card unless the seller is a dealer of some sort. Sales through here usually involve PayPal or a bank transfer.
Perhaps RobbieC's unwell or had an accident?
John K
Edited by JAK: 16/05/2017 - 00:01
Posted 16/05/2017 - 00:07 Link
JAK wrote:
You can't normally pay for a private sale with a credit card unless the seller is a dealer of some sort. Sales through here usually involve PayPal or a bank transfer.

True, in which case it is even more important that you get full contact details and check them out.
Edited by RobL: 16/05/2017 - 00:08
Posted 16/05/2017 - 00:27 Link
RobL wrote: which case it is even more important that you get full contact details and check them out.

Why should I need his contact details?
John K
Posted 16/05/2017 - 08:34 Link
JAK wrote:
RobL wrote: which case it is even more important that you get full contact details and check them out.

Why should I need his contact details?

You could be paying several hundred pounds to a complete stranger (and that includes all your online mates) so a telephone number and address will be useful if things go wrong for whatever reason as in this case. I am late receiving a package from an Amazon supplier and it looks as if this is due to Royal Mail, but at least I can deal direct rather than through an anonymous messaging service.
Posted 16/05/2017 - 09:21 Link
Can I just remind everyone that we they should avoid making any accusations here. This is discussing real people, and if it were me and I'd just gone on a couple of weeks holiday I would be pretty miffed about having aspersions cast in public. It's also possible that someone could have been rushed into hospital, in which case it could be distressing as well.

Before rushing to publish, I would first check with the local sorting office to see if there's a parcel there awaiting collection. It is not unknown for no card to be left. For the same reason check with neighbours. Also check your bins as delivery drivers can decide to pop parcels into them.
Best regards, John
Posted 16/05/2017 - 11:55 Link
JAK wrote:
doubled wrote:
He offered to give me a refund (Lens purchased from him but was never delivered)

Did you get any tracking information, if so does that suggest whether the lens was perhaps delivered to someone other than yourself in error?
I always try and get the tracking info to get some idea when the parcel is out for delivery.

I only realised the lens was sent without using any tracking/signed for method when I asked for tracking information. So there is no way I can track it. I guess I am responsible for not asking what postal service would be used at the time!

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