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For vintage lens nerds

Posted 16/11/2020 - 10:30 Link
I know there's a few out there and if you haven't yet discovered this YouTube channel it is worth a look: link
There is a lot of information about Pentax lenses including this video about Pentax primes: link.

Posted 16/11/2020 - 12:25 Link
The video is interesting but the early section on Takumars has a number of errors. Much better once he gets on to the K mount lenses.
Kris Lockyear
It is an illusion that photos are made with the camera… they are made with the eye, heart and head. Henri Cartier-Bresson
Lots of film bodies, a couple of digital ones, too many lenses (mainly older glass) and a Horseman LE 5x4.
Posted 16/11/2020 - 13:57 Link
womble wrote:
The video is interesting but the early section on Takumars has a number of errors. Much better once he gets on to the K mount lenses.

He seems open to comments, if you suggest corrections I expect they will be appreciated.
Posted 31/12/2020 - 01:44 Link
I know Simon's Utak - he posts predominantly on Pentaxforums and within that predominantly in the photo challenges section. If you have a suggestion, he will take onboard.
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Posted 06/01/2021 - 17:29 Link
RobL thanks for sharing - interesting video.

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