Fix being sought to a "funny" login issue
Posted 15/09/2017 - 10:53
I've just tried the iPhone and login works fine.
It sounds like a local issue, or maybe there has been a problem that has now been fixed or has cleared.
It sounds like a local issue, or maybe there has been a problem that has now been fixed or has cleared.
Best regards, John
Posted 15/09/2017 - 10:54
Bin the iphones and get a £50 Android from the local supermarket?
So long as the phone can make calls, does it really matter? It's a phone!
(You'll gather I'm rather anti smartphones due to their misuse by motorists and others, especially iphones due to the slave trade involved in mining the materials needed to make them.) You could always they the new one, it's only £1100.
So long as the phone can make calls, does it really matter? It's a phone!
(You'll gather I'm rather anti smartphones due to their misuse by motorists and others, especially iphones due to the slave trade involved in mining the materials needed to make them.) You could always they the new one, it's only £1100.
John K
Posted 15/09/2017 - 11:15
No so sure about Apple but could possibly try clearing cache, history etc??
Hope this helps
Hope this helps
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591 posts
15 years
Suddenly today - No PU login (even new) will work) on IPAD / Iphone
However original login still works on PC despite a new password being sent on request (password reminder screen) via IPAD and Iphone
So, on IOS (IPAD / Iphone) old login details won't work and new password (s) won't work either
PC remains logged in to PU on old login details ????
All devices have worked fine with the "remember me" box ticked.
Any wisdom, quick fixes or suggestions most welcomed .