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F1 Help no longer works in Lightroom 3.6

Posted 20/01/2020 - 19:16 Link
I have just bit(ten?) the bullet and upgraded to Win10 Pro /32. It was quite painless and took far less time than GParted took to shuffle my partitions to decrease E;. move it and D; to the right and add more space to C:

I just clicked on 'Update to Win10 ' on the Microsoft website and chose 'Update this PC' and let it do its stuff. I seem to have a licensed Win10 Pro /32 installation, and amazingly everything seems to work - Picture Publisher V8, Lightroom 3.6, Elements 9, StarOffice 8, Networx, Thunderbird

However, When I press F1 in Lightroom for help I get a 404 error from Adobe. Looks like they have abandoned these old versions, except, you can still download all versions of Lightroom up to version 3.6 on their website. I wonder why they haven't allowed Versions 4,5 and 6 to 6.14 to be downloaded too ?.

Does anyone know why ?, and where the help files for LR 3.6 might be these days ?.

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