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Dialing in FL for manual lenses and SR

Posted 21/01/2017 - 20:50 Link
When using manual lenses is the reason for dialing in the FL of the lens only because of the need to optimise the oscillation of the SR function for that lens or is it needed for something else as well?

I am asking because sometimes when switching a manual lens under pressure ie for an opportune bird shot, saving time and not dialing in the len's FL would be beneficial. The SR would be switched off anyway as I've stopped trying to grab bird shots in poor light.

Thoughts welcome.
"All you ever gotta do is be a good man one time to one woman"
(Janis Joplin)

KIT: K5iis, DAWR18-55mm,FA4.5 80-320mm, Mitsuki 5.6 400mm, M1.7 50mm, M1.4 50mm, M2.8 28mm, Miranda M2.8 28mm, M3.5 135mm, M1.4 200mm, Vivitar S13.5 70-210mm, Vivitar A 2.8 90mm macro,
Sigma150-500mm F5-6.3 APO DG HSM.
Posted 21/01/2017 - 22:16 Link
Taynuiltpixels wrote:
When using manual lenses is the reason for dialing in the FL of the lens only because of the need to optimise the oscillation of the SR function for that lens

Basically yes.
Taynuiltpixels wrote:
or is it needed for something else as well?

The exif setting displayed for the focal length might be wrong if it hasn't been set.
If it has been set and you haven't changed lenses in the mean time it should remember the setting used previously.
Taynuiltpixels wrote:
I am asking because sometimes when switching a manual lens under pressure ie for an opportune bird shot, saving time and not dialing in the len's FL would be beneficial. The SR would be switched off anyway as I've stopped trying to grab bird shots in poor light.

If SR is switched off it doesn't ask to set it, but the exif data might not be accurate.
John K
Posted 22/01/2017 - 10:36 Link
ah - so that's why it stopped prompting me for it- because I had switched SR off!. Thanks John, that's another bit of the jigsaw in place. Exif is not a big issue for me, so good to know if I do need to quickly take advantage of an opportunity, not dialing in is not going to impact on image quality
"All you ever gotta do is be a good man one time to one woman"
(Janis Joplin)

KIT: K5iis, DAWR18-55mm,FA4.5 80-320mm, Mitsuki 5.6 400mm, M1.7 50mm, M1.4 50mm, M2.8 28mm, Miranda M2.8 28mm, M3.5 135mm, M1.4 200mm, Vivitar S13.5 70-210mm, Vivitar A 2.8 90mm macro,
Sigma150-500mm F5-6.3 APO DG HSM.

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