DFA*f2.8 70-200mm
Posted 01/06/2020 - 20:28
What I would like to see is a comparison against the Tamron 70-200. And what we actually get for double the price ? Never been convinced its a lot but name...
K-1Gripped K-1 ungripped K-5ii K7 Various lenses
Posted 01/06/2020 - 21:42
stub wrote:
What I would like to see is a comparison against the Tamron 70-200. And what we actually get for double the price ? Never been convinced its a lot but name...
What I would like to see is a comparison against the Tamron 70-200. And what we actually get for double the price ? Never been convinced its a lot but name...
Wasn't there one when the lens was first released?
Look around, I'm very sure there may have been one on PF.
Edit: I also wanted to add that it seems he's got a calibration issue if 4 copies of the lens have been poor for him. My only copy was very good.
And complaining about focus breathing in 2020? Grow up ffs.
All the gear with no idea
Posted 01/06/2020 - 23:10
Apart from the annoying presenting style the content is rubbish.
1. He is using unprocessed raw files as a comparison.
2. the focus point in the two comparisons are not the same.
3. if he has tried 4 copies and gets the same results then clearly the camera is in need of AF/FA calibration.
1. He is using unprocessed raw files as a comparison.
2. the focus point in the two comparisons are not the same.
3. if he has tried 4 copies and gets the same results then clearly the camera is in need of AF/FA calibration.
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Posted 02/06/2020 - 08:55
That guy is really, really annoying. So annoying that I don't care what he says as I can't force myself to stick around to listen to it.
Pentax hybrid user - Digital K3, film 645 and 35mm SLR and Pentax (&other) lenses adapted to Fuji X and Panasonic L digital
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Fan of DA limited and old manual lenses
Posted 02/06/2020 - 10:13
Nikkor 70-200/2.8 VR2 also focus-breathes - never bothered me.
Not had the opportunity to use my D-FA* determinedly yet thanks to lockdown, but I won't let these 'experts' ruin my enjoyment of the lens.
Not had the opportunity to use my D-FA* determinedly yet thanks to lockdown, but I won't let these 'experts' ruin my enjoyment of the lens.
AKA Welshwizard/PWynneJ
Assorted Pentax/Nikon/Mamiya stuff
Assorted Pentax/Nikon/Mamiya stuff
Posted 03/06/2020 - 10:19
I think we should convince Mr Riley to create a YouTube channel - the only reason Cameraville is where it is, is because he had a captive Pentax user base jumping on any sort of review. Or maybe a Pentaxuser channel?
Plenty of really experienced photographers here with vast amounts of knowledge to pass on.
Plenty of really experienced photographers here with vast amounts of knowledge to pass on.
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Posted 03/06/2020 - 10:38
robbiec wrote:
I think we should convince Mr Riley to create a YouTube channel - the only reason Cameraville is where it is, is because he had a captive Pentax user base jumping on any sort of review. Or maybe a Pentaxuser channel?
Plenty of really experienced photographers here with vast amounts of knowledge to pass on.
I think we should convince Mr Riley to create a YouTube channel - the only reason Cameraville is where it is, is because he had a captive Pentax user base jumping on any sort of review. Or maybe a Pentaxuser channel?
Plenty of really experienced photographers here with vast amounts of knowledge to pass on.
Well Robbie here is your chance!
Posted 03/06/2020 - 10:55
If I had perhaps a 1/4 of the skill / talent that I know exists here I'd consider it. I've been through a lens journey for sure and what I like does not necessarily equate to the broader Pentax fold. Saying that I'd be open to collaboration if someone could advise me on how to test a lens. To me, what I'm looking for in a lens is something that has decent resolution, strong micro contrast and excellent handling of OOF transitions. Then you have the intangibles, the stuff you can really measure but you can see in the image, the pixie dust, the 3D pop. So would say the audience here agree with that?
And then it'd be a case of dialling down the strong Irish accent
And then it'd be a case of dialling down the strong Irish accent
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Posted 03/06/2020 - 12:11
There's some great ideas being mulled over in this thread, although like everything else it all takes time and somebody has to do lots of work to make things happen.
One thing that I do think is that the lens in question is definitely worth buying and if the buyer didn't like the copy they received then they just send it back. Nothing could be easier these days as we have so much consumer protection. I would never advocate just returning a thing for no good reason though, it has to fair for buyer and seller alike.
I'd also say that for me, as a personal thing, I would prefer to buy the f/4 version. It is smaller, lighter, costs less, and the difference of one stop isn't a deal breaker. So, whatever is said in reviews be it on YouTube or elsewhere it still all depends on the requirements of the individual photographer.
One thing that I do think is that the lens in question is definitely worth buying and if the buyer didn't like the copy they received then they just send it back. Nothing could be easier these days as we have so much consumer protection. I would never advocate just returning a thing for no good reason though, it has to fair for buyer and seller alike.
I'd also say that for me, as a personal thing, I would prefer to buy the f/4 version. It is smaller, lighter, costs less, and the difference of one stop isn't a deal breaker. So, whatever is said in reviews be it on YouTube or elsewhere it still all depends on the requirements of the individual photographer.
Best regards, John
Posted 03/06/2020 - 12:58
Out of curiosity John, how long does it take you on average to create the MTF data for an Ephotozine test?
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Posted 03/06/2020 - 13:24
I'm in the process of doing two lenses now. The first has taken up most of the morning for a prime lens. The zoom will be done by lunch tomorrow. So a day and a half for those two, perhaps with other things in beteen.
Best regards, John
Posted 03/06/2020 - 13:35
Thanks, pretty involved then as you would be well versed in the process. So someone starting out, effectively triple or quadruple that time.
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Posted 04/06/2020 - 09:45
I have had the DFA 70-200mm f/2.8 for about 12 months now and have to agree with him up to a point. Having had the Canon MKII version I would say the Pentax (Ricoh?) lens is lacking in contrast slightly and it's certainly not as sharp as the Canon wide open.
Having said that it's all easily rectified in post but I do think it should be better considering the price.
I have no interest in focus breathing, it is what it is.
Having said that it's all easily rectified in post but I do think it should be better considering the price.
I have no interest in focus breathing, it is what it is.
Posted 06/06/2020 - 10:19
I didn't see the original 'crit' on this lens on You Tube but I do own a DFA*70-200mm f2.8 and its without any doubt the 'best' Pentax lens I've ever used - and that includes even my beautiful DA*50-135mm 2.8 zoom. Seemingly the You Tube reviewer compares it unfavourably with the similarly specified Tamron. Well its certainly heavier than the Tamron and more expensive but I think the Pentax, at least my copy, edges ahead on quality. A generous friend of mine allowed me to borrow his Tamron before I made a final decision on which lens to buy and the Tamron is certainly a fine lens but I reckon the Pentax is better.
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