DA 16-45 F4 ED-AL for sale
Posted 29/04/2012 - 21:29
These seem to go for between £140 and £160, so I would suggest £150 would be a good starting point. I paid £140 for mine from a forum member a couple of months ago and I must say it is a superb lens for this money.
Posted 01/05/2012 - 13:20
Some images of the lens, plus two at the bottom taken WITH the lens.
click here to see image above full res, straight from camera
click here to see image above at full res, straight from camera
click here to see image above full res, straight from camera
click here to see image above at full res, straight from camera
Posted 03/05/2012 - 01:10
I'd be interested in this at £150 if you could get it to my by the weekend. I guess that would means sending it today (Thursday) to arrive Friday. Payment by BT.
Posted 03/05/2012 - 15:08
I'm happy with 150 plus £6 postage.
Paul (yolofoto) has gone for another 16-45 (with hood) last time I heard.
Please remember this is a good sharp copy; it is to all intents and purposes 'as new', unmarked, but not pristine like a new lens out of the box.
Aftermarket hoods are around a fiver.
Paul (yolofoto) has gone for another 16-45 (with hood) last time I heard.
Please remember this is a good sharp copy; it is to all intents and purposes 'as new', unmarked, but not pristine like a new lens out of the box.
Aftermarket hoods are around a fiver.
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1753 posts
16 years
Not used much as I prefer ultra-wide and distorted, or macro, or out around 300mm. So it seems a bit extravagant to keep it.
Very good condition, no marks, boxed, but I've lost the hood.
I'll get back up here with pictures and a price, but in the mean-time, feel free to make me an offer or suggest a suitable price.
Plymouth Photographer