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DA* 16-50 lens fails after 7 months

Posted 07/02/2022 - 15:54 Link
My 16-50 f2.8 DA*ED AL (IF) SDM zoom has failed after just 6 months, noticed the autofocus was slow and now has failed completely. The motor is possibly to blame, the manual focus overide is fine.
Updated all my kit in April last year from a Pentax K20 and standard range lenses I have used over the last 10 years or so without any problem, updated to the new K3Mk III and bought all new lenses to go with it including 50-135 DA*, 35mm macron 2.8 limited and 1.4x HD rear converter plus flash etc etc. In all spent close on 5K.

Having used ricoh/pentax gear for the last 35 years I am completely disgruntled that a lens of this quality has failed at all. Never had anything fail.
Sent back to retailer who have sent it to the UK repairer John Pye Ltd (Pentax repairers apparently).
Has anyone else suffered the same problem as I have raised a complaint with Pentax (via French subsidary!!).
Repair is not really what I'd want so now we wait and see what occurs.
Repair could take up to 2 months apparently!
I have been a member of the forum many years ago.. good to see it is still active.
Posted 07/02/2022 - 17:49 Link
It is a well known problem with the DA* SDM lenses (more so the 16-50mm and 50-135mm) and something that Pentax deny all knowledge of. I doubt it will be the first time it goes wrong either, some people have had to replace the motor a few times and it's approx £200 once out of warranty.
Posted 07/02/2022 - 18:08 Link
Hi Petephoto, an issue that has been done to death regarding the 16* 50 but i feel your frustration
I also bought this lens brand new for my k70 after a lot of research from SRS in February 2019 for 499 sterling on the sale at the time.
i was happy with the performance and loved the colour rendition and it behaved flawlessly until a couple of months before warranty expired .
i was under the impression that the issue with the solenoid was addressed in later models
I've tried the lens recently on my k1ii to see would it wake it up and it didn't and I've tried all the usual tricks that were advised on various forums
FWIW my other sdm lenses have no issues eg , my 50*135 is an old secondhand and performs perfectly
Posted 07/02/2022 - 19:31 Link
In your shoes I would demand a replacement, or your money back.
Posted 07/02/2022 - 22:10 Link
Thanks for the feedback, if only I'd known about the issues....
See what comes of the complaint registered with Pentax, not sure why that is is France though. Would have thought UK was a big market for them.

As for a replacement or a refund, feel it would be a lucky outcome from the comments received.

Does anyone know if the new replacement lens is any better?

I would like to commend Pentax on the new camera though, it is a real gem and really enjoying using it, certainly a major upgrade from my trusty old K20.
Posted 08/02/2022 - 01:25 Link
Just to the right of this thread in the sidebar is an advert/comment/whatever saying "Ricoh has announced the new HD Pentax-DA* 16-50mm f/2.8 ED PLM AW wide-angle zoom lens", The PLM (pulse linear motor?) has given perfectly good service for years in, for example, the excellent 55-300 zoom. I wonder why they have scratched the Self Destruct Motor version?
Both the *istDS and the K5 are incurably addicted to old glass

My page on Photocrowd
Posted 08/02/2022 - 08:31 Link
The original DA* 16-50mm lens has always been a lemon - a very high rate of AF motor failure and sub-par optics. It's beyond me why anyone would buy it as Pentax should have replaced that model ten years ago.

The new model, with HD coatings and PLM motor, is reputed to be absolutely superb.
Pentax hybrid user - Digital K3, film 645 and 35mm SLR and Pentax (&other) lenses adapted to Fuji X and Panasonic L digital
Fan of DA limited and old manual lenses
Posted 08/02/2022 - 09:23 Link
Jonathan-Mac wrote:
The original DA* 16-50mm lens has always been a lemon - a very high rate of AF motor failure and sub-par optics. It's beyond me why anyone would buy it as Pentax should have replaced that model ten years ago.

The new model, with HD coatings and PLM motor, is reputed to be absolutely superb.

Agreed that the SDM failure with this lens is terrible and has not been handled at all well by Pentax/Ricoh - but not sure everyone would agree with the "sub-par optics" statement, I know there are sample variations (as with all models) but many users, including myself, have had excellent results from it - I compared it to the kit lens, the 16-45 and the 17-70 and found it to be better. I still have my original copy (with the SDM failed and frigged to use screw-drive) and am unlikely to sell it.
Posted 08/02/2022 - 09:48 Link
If you spent close to 5k€ on the kit I am surprised you were supplied with the SMC 16-50 rather than the newer HD 16-50 PLM.

I had 2 motors go on my 16-50. one within warranty and the second outside. The 2nd cost me £160 and lasted until I sold the lens. Apparently the replacement motors were of variable durability, and Asahi Photo in Brentford said that they had to reject multiple batches.

Hopefully by now you will also be acutely aware that something afflicts your 16-50 might also affect your 50-135...

Sorry I couldn't be more positive, however I was not disappointed with the optical quality of my lens. I've sold my DA* lenses only because my sole Pentax DSLR is the K-1
Z-1p, K-1, P50
F50 1.7. SMC-FAs 24, 35, 50 1.4, 85, 135. HD-FA15-30, DFA24-70, D-FA*70-200. The SMC-FA Limited Trinity.
Metz 45 CL-4, AF500FTZ. AF540FGZ.
Some Mamiya and some Nikon
Posted 09/02/2022 - 08:31 Link
My 16-50mm has recently come back from having its motor changed - it showed signs of failure years ago but got to the point where it just wouldn't wake up any longer. Cost around £250 to have done but now works fine.

I have to come out in support of the optics on this lens, nothing short of superb, first on the K5 and now on the KP. It is my "default" lens and has produced some fantastic images.
Posted 09/02/2022 - 09:30 Link
Thanks for all the feedback, I'll wait to see if anything is forthcoming from Pentax.
Keep you posted
Posted 09/02/2022 - 22:25 Link
Mine went dead about a month ago. I used it for about 11 years. I replaced it with the new (and very expensive) DA* 16-50 PLM AW. It focuses a lot faster than the old 16-50, and the AF seems to be working fine in video mode (I haven't used it much for video yet). I must say it is extremely sharp, and purple fringing seems to be reduced too. Very happy with it so far.
Yves (another one of those crazy Canucks)
Posted 10/02/2022 - 08:03 Link
pentaxian450 wrote:
Mine went dead about a month ago. I used it for about 11 years. I replaced it with the new (and very expensive) DA* 16-50 PLM AW. It focuses a lot faster than the old 16-50, and the AF seems to be working fine in video mode (I haven't used it much for video yet). I must say it is extremely sharp, and purple fringing seems to be reduced too. Very happy with it so far.

I've not seen much feedback on the new version. Glad to hear you like it.
Kris Lockyear
It is an illusion that photos are made with the camera… they are made with the eye, heart and head. Henri Cartier-Bresson
Lots of film bodies, a couple of digital ones, too many lenses (mainly older glass) and a Horseman LE 5x4.
Posted 10/02/2022 - 21:42 Link
I've had it for only nine days, so diddn't have time to do a lot with it yet, but, so far, it seems to be a big step in the right direction for Pentax. One little caveat, the focusing speed is slower at the telephoto end than it is at the wide angle end. The pictures I've taken with it so far are really sharp, and the color rendition is very good.
Yves (another one of those crazy Canucks)
Posted 11/02/2022 - 11:24 Link
SRS currently have an open-box 16-50/2.8 PLM for a reduced price in their e-bay shop. A K-3 III too.
Pentax hybrid user - Digital K3, film 645 and 35mm SLR and Pentax (&other) lenses adapted to Fuji X and Panasonic L digital
Fan of DA limited and old manual lenses

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