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Creatiing a portfolio:

Posted 18/06/2009 - 13:17 Link
Hello there, Hope you are all well, I was just wondering , As i am about to create a portfolio. I could not decide on makeing a photobook or getting a a3 folder? with a view to presenting the work in that. What would you recomend? I have been advised that i should deffo go for a3 for a portfolio. Any ideas where to get good quality ones online? Thanks
Posted 18/06/2009 - 15:05 Link
I would recommend an A3 folder as it's what I personally use. People want to see the quality of the photographs and the paper used. I have had so much positive feedback from clients regarding my portfolio. I mainly use that for portraiture work,

For weddings and wedding fairs I tend to only use photobooks and the portfolio. I get my photobooks professionally made in Italy and they are of the best quality I have ever seen. Very expensive though but well worth it.

You really have to be careful with photobooks as some cheaper makes are awful and the lack of quality really shows through. When I first started looking into these books a few years back, I went with a company called Tic Tac Pro, they were the most awful company I had ever used. They admitted that they were in the wrong and re-printed. That to was awful, so they refunded me. That's why I go to Italy now.

Another way I present is through my websites. I have mobile internet and show that along with the portfolio or the photobook.

You can pick up the cases from art shops and good photographic retailers. Just Google "Portfolio Cases." Remember to get your photos printed professionally and not through your inkjet printer unless you have a profeesional one.

Posted 18/06/2009 - 15:21 Link
A3 portfolio, and buy a matte cutter so that you can make some nice window mounts. With a portfolio you can easily change the contents and photobooks will soon get fingerprinted and dogeared.

I, too, had some very disappointing work from Tic Tac Photo

Paul, do you have a link to your book company?
“We must avoid however, snapping away, shooting quickly and without thought, overloading ourselves with unnecessary images that clutter our memory and diminish the clarity of the whole.” - Henri Cartier-Bresson -
Posted 18/06/2009 - 15:50 Link
gartmore wrote:
Paul, do you have a link to your book company?


The company is called Album Epoca and their agents for the UK go through Maple Framing. The software is the best I have seen but it can be complicated if you haven't anything like this before. I have a great contact there and he is fantastic. They offer a free training session on their software but they are based in Nottingham which is a bit of a trek for me.
You have to register with them first to download the software, Prices are not on the website.

Prices start from £70 and thats for a small standard book with 20 pages. We had a large one made for us with optional case and that was over £700, it was worth every penny and our clients were more than happy

Posted 18/06/2009 - 22:16 Link
Ok great thatnks for the info, I get all my work profesioanly printed mostly in A3 and its a very competitive price as well.
Posted 18/06/2009 - 23:51 Link
You don't have to have them printed to A3 as you may want to have some of them mounted. Just an idea

Posted 20/06/2009 - 00:21 Link
Posted 21/06/2009 - 01:04 Link
As in mounted on card

You want to show your best prints to your clients so that they hire you. From experience they want to see not only the print but also the way it is presented.
What I do is mount them in card, you must have seen the mounts, card with a window cut out with a "V" groove around the outside of the window.

I also carry in the boot of my car a sample frame set, just the corners of the frames which I asked my framer to do for me.

What are you going to do with your portfolio?
Is it just for you or is it for clients to see your work?

Edited by paullucas: 21/06/2009 - 01:05
Posted 21/06/2009 - 20:03 Link
paullucas wrote:
As in mounted on card

You want to show your best prints to your clients so that they hire you. From experience they want to see not only the print but also the way it is presented.
What I do is mount them in card, you must have seen the mounts, card with a window cut out with a "V" groove around the outside of the window.

I also carry in the boot of my car a sample frame set, just the corners of the frames which I asked my framer to do for me.

What are you going to do with your portfolio?
Is it just for you or is it for clients to see your work?


For me to show off my work, I also have a mounted board with the frames on them ,just need to organise it all to get it on my websight
Posted 18/02/2018 - 15:59 Link
I know this thread is old, but it is still useful for those people who are going to create a portfolio. I've just finished mine, so I want to share my experience. I was lucky to find a good collection of the website builders for photographers. This source helped me a lot as there are video tutorials on how to build portfolio with each of them. Personally I chose Wix as it offers a great amount of templates and good features. To be honest, I haven't regretted my choice. Hopefully, this information will be useful for someone!
Posted 13/04/2018 - 15:29 Link
What about the selection of photos? I know this is old but I didn't want to create a new thread when we have one that already exists.
- moonlight

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