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Corel aftersot pro 3 updated for Penta K1

Posted 27/04/2017 - 14:02 Link
What a battle with Corel to get their Trial free version corrected. I will take a pat on the back, thank you. I kept after Corel to update Aftershot pro 3 to include the Pentax K1. I haven't yet updated, but I will. Also using Adobe lightroom which I really like, I'll play with both and see how they compare. Lightroom is more expensive, and if you buy the key version you don't get all the tools as the one from the cloud.

What follows is info on the free 30 day trial:
Diane Swee

Diane Sweet (Corel)

Apr 26, 17:54 EDT


My name is Diane Sweet and I manage the technical support team at Corel. Your support ticket has been escalated to me for review.

First I would like to apologize for not providing you the level of support you deserve. We strive for excellent customer service and this time we failed. For that I'm sorry.

In regards to the camera profile Pentax K1, it is available with our latest update that was released Tuesday April 25, 2017 and here is how I was able to access it.

1. If you arleady have AfterShot Pro 3 installed, go to Help, About AfterShot 3 and verify your version #. If the version number is not equal to, go to this link to download and install Update 3.

2. Once update 3 is installed. launch AfterShot Pro 3, click on Get More on the right hand side, scroll down to Pentax and scroll down a bit more to locate K-1.
To the right, you will see a small black box with the words "Free", click on Free. It will take you to download and install what you need for Pentax K-1
(see attached screenshots)

I hope these instructions will help you obtain the camera profile you are looking for in AfterShot Pro 3.

Thank you and let me know if this answers your question,



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