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Coming up to 10k photos, how can I keep files separate without getting duplicate file names?

Posted 30/12/2016 - 17:18 Link
Hi, once I reach 10,000 pics, on my SD card and my external HD, I want my files to keep being saved and recognised as NEW files, without either overwriting ones that are there, or having to renumber them manually? So my question is how can I change the file name to a different name, so that it will keep the continuity, without overwriting the old files with these new ones?
(i.e. soon IMGP001 will be used again - etc.....)
Posted 30/12/2016 - 17:23 Link
You can change the file prefix in-camera, and afaik the numbering resets, or can be reset.
Posted 30/12/2016 - 18:41 Link
I had to do something similar with my K-3II and K-1 as there were both quite new and using the same number sequence, the K3 images now start with K3###### and the K1 errm.. K1######
Digital: Pentax K-1 II + Grip, Pentax K3II + Grip, Pentax MX-1.
Lenses: Pentax D-FA 24-70mm 2.8, D-FA 15-30 2.8, D-FA 70-200 2.8*, Pentax 35mm 2.4, 50mm 1.8, 18-135mm WR, 55-300mm HD, Sigma 70-300mm (macro), Tamron 17-50mm F2.8.
Film: Mamiya C330 Medium Format, Pentax Super ME.
Posted 30/12/2016 - 18:48 Link
I altered the prefix to BILL for in camera some time ago (you could do similar and alter slightly with an additional digit in the prefix in future) but I use my K3 so much I will soon have the same issue again this next month or so.

Personally I either locate/sort files by taken date and/or by filed named folder so rarely an issue. Photo albums of mixed images for a web site or Google Photos etc. are an example where I might be unlucky with duplicate file numbers although I would expect an overwrite warning. If OK on your PC they'll still be OK on your mirrored back up.
Posted 31/12/2016 - 08:21 Link
Unless you shoot more than 10k images per annum, why not prefix the file name with the year, never get a duplicate then ,

" A Hangover is something that occupies the Head you neglected to use the night before".

K1 - Sigma 85mm F1.4, Pentax DFA 150 -450 F4.5 / 5.6, Pentax DFA* 24 - 70 F2.8

Samyang 14mm F2.8, Pentax DFA* 70-200 F2.8, Pentax A 50mm F1.2

K3iii + K3ii + K5iis converted to IR, Sigma 17 - 70 F2.8, Pentax 55 - 300 F4.5 / F5.6 PLM
Posted 31/12/2016 - 08:47 Link
Marie wrote:
Hi, once I reach 10,000 pics, on my SD card and my external HD, I want my files to keep being saved and recognised as NEW files, without either overwriting ones that are there, or having to renumber them manually? So my question is how can I change the file name to a different name, so that it will keep the continuity, without overwriting the old files with these new ones?
(i.e. soon IMGP001 will be used again - etc.....)

I can't imagine 10,000 images on one SD card, especially if you shoot RAW.
As for sorting original images I put them in separate folders, month by month and year by year. And I prefix each folder with which of the three camera bodies I currently use, K30, K5 and K3 so there can be no overlap.
Images I process and convert to JPEGs are given individual titles.
Posted 31/12/2016 - 09:47 Link
Nothing will be overwritten. Currently you may be using folder 100. When you exceed 100-9999 the camera will create a new folder 101 and start counting again with 101-0001.
Best regards, John
Posted 31/12/2016 - 13:21 Link
Looking at my recent folders on my K3 (currently in the 9000's) I have 100_2712 for 27th December but as it was still on card the next used day the new folder was called by the camera 101_2912 for 29th December. All content was my customised BILL9117 etc in both folders.

johnriley wrote:
Nothing will be overwritten. Currently you may be using folder 100. When you exceed 100-9999 the camera will create a new folder 101 and start counting again with 101-0001.

Edited by wvbarnes: 31/12/2016 - 13:26
Posted 31/12/2016 - 13:33 Link
wvbarnes wrote:
Looking at my recent folders on my K3 (currently in the 9000's) I have 100_2712 for 27th December but as it was still on card the next used day the new folder was called by the camera 101_2912 for 29th December. All content was my customised BILL9117 etc in both folders.

I just copy the day's folder across to my hard drive and rename it, eg 101_1229 becomes 20161229. You may need to select a different date format in the camera to achieve that as it defaults to the USA way round Bill indicates in his post..
The folder name can never repeat and all the folders list in date order. I then add a suffix as to which camera was used, so the folder name now becomes, say, 20161229_K-3
If I've used several cameras on the day I'll have a second folder with that date and the other camera name combination.
John K
Edited by JAK: 31/12/2016 - 13:40
Posted 31/12/2016 - 13:55 Link
My answer assumed sequential numbering rather than a new folder for each day, which I surmised was what the OP was asking about.

But the important thing is that nothing will ever be overwritten regardless of the file structure chosen.
Best regards, John
Posted 31/12/2016 - 14:33 Link
The camera puts then in daily folders (sometimes two or more if there are more than 100 images.) Extracting all the files into one flat folder must be a headache to navigate to find what you want. 10,000 files in one folder, whoa!
John K
Edited by JAK: 31/12/2016 - 14:35
Posted 31/12/2016 - 14:50 Link
The point is that set to sequential numbering the camera continues to count even when a new card is put in. It's not a great idea to just have one huge folder that's never sorted, it's obviously too many images.

So, I would download the images from every day to a numbered and named folder on the PC and then use a fresh card for the next day. It's only the numbering that continues.

So day 1 folder might be "St Mawes 16 05 2015" and contain images 1676-1786

Day 2 might be labelled "St David's 17 05 2015" and contain images 1787-2003

And so on. Initially this will be in the folder on the camera marked 100, regardless of which card is put in. When 9999 is reached then the camera folder becomes 101. In due course after we reach 9999 again, the folder becomes 102. This is nothing to do with whatever folder structure we use for our computers.
Best regards, John
Posted 31/12/2016 - 17:19 Link
It's not really a good idea to leave the pictures on the SD card. For one thing it might restrict what one can take when the card is nearly full. Also it would be so easy for the card to go bad and loose the lot.
Even after decanting to a PC its best to have a backup of the photos in case the PC drive goes bad. You can replace a faulty drive bur not always the lost photos on it.
John K
Posted 31/12/2016 - 22:30 Link
JAK wrote:
It's not really a good idea to leave the pictures on the SD card. For one thing it might restrict what one can take when the card is nearly full. Also it would be so easy for the card to go bad and loose the lot.
Even after decanting to a PC its best to have a backup of the photos in case the PC drive goes bad. You can replace a faulty drive bur not always the lost photos on it.

+1 First three laws of computing:- 1/ backup 2/ backup 3/ backup Same applies to cameras and mem cards....

C.O.L.B.A.S victim
(Compulsive Obsessive Lens Buying Addiction Syndrome)

What you need are lenses, more lenses, bigger lenses, better lenses, faster lenses, vintage lenses and when you have these, your pictures will be perfect!
Posted 01/01/2017 - 09:14 Link
Defragged wrote:
+1 First three laws of computing:- 1/ backup 2/ backup 3/ backup Same applies to cameras and mem cards....

Could not agree more, I have files duplicated in 3 places and SD cards are always cleared after the relevant event once backed up in the 3 places.


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