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Coconut oil?

Posted 02/06/2022 - 19:00 Link
I want to say thank you so much for your hospitality and answers on my last post. I really really really appreciate the help I received.

I decided to get some film to see if I can get the K-1000 to work. I have time so I might as well take the time to learn about it better than I did before and to see if it works. I cleaned the outside of it while I was looking at videos on YouTube. A video played (on auto play) and there was a guy who recommended using coconut oil to shine/restore it (it was a K-1000), and I was wondering if this is a normal and/or recommended way of restoring it? If it's not, is there a recommendation someone would be willing to give to me? I know using oil is normal on some things but it just seems a little odd to me to be using oil on a camera since oil can cause smudging and be difficult to remove. It doesn't seem like it would be a good idea, but I don't know a lot about anything so 🤷‍♀️. Thought I'd ask. The video after recommended using shoe polish. Shoe polish seems more plausible to me but still not sure.

On a side note, I'm excited to be trying to figure it out again. 😊

Thank you!

Posted 02/06/2022 - 22:54 - Helpful Comment Link
Before spending too much time cleaning I would carry out a few basic checks.

Firstly if you don't have one the user manual can be found here:-

Remove the lens if fitted, open the back, set the shutter speed to the B mark, wind on the film lever to cock the shutter, press the shutter button and then release.
The shutter blinds should travel smoothly across to open and then close. Repeat this for each shutter speed and check that the blinds travel smoothly getting progressively quicker for each speed selected.

Insert a battery in the battery holder in the base, it takes a 1.5v SR44. With the lens fitted and a film speed of 100ASA and a speed of 1/125 selected move the lens aperture ring throughout its range when in daylight. You should see the meter needle move in the viewfinder.

With regards to cleaning the body I personally wouldn't use any oil substance. I generally wipe mine over with a lens cleaning alcohol wipe to remove any grease and dirt.

Blow out any dust in the inside with a "Rocket" type blower or brush, do not touch or wipe the mirror.

If you do intend on keeping the camera it is likely the foam seals in the slot the back door closes into and the cushioning foam that the mirror goes up against will have deteriorated. These should be replaced. It is possible to buy new seals and do it yourself or you can send to a camera repairer who can also service the camera for you. I have recently had my K1000's seals replaced and camera serviced and it now feels like it did when new over 40 years ago.

The great thing about the K1000 is the wide range of quality Pentax K and M type lenses that are available relatively cheaply and it is a great camera that I still enjoy using.

K1000, Espio 140, ist, istD, K70, K3iii and numerous lenses, just don't tell my wife.
Edited by PRYorkshire: 02/06/2022 - 22:56
Posted 03/06/2022 - 00:50 Link
@PRYorkshire Thank you so much for your help! I checked the shutter using your instruction and it seemed fine. I didn't notice any problem with the movement. I need to pick up a battery so I can't check the needle yet, but I believe it worked in the past. I remember seeing it move, but I had no idea what was happening with it.

I won't be changing the seals myself. I would ruin the camera or lose an important piece, so I will have to look into a service near me. And I definitely won't use oil on it. Thank you. 😊

When I got the camera, it came with a couple of extra lenses and some filters. Pictures are just to show them. I don't see myself using anything than what's already attached, though.

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Posted 03/06/2022 - 02:36 Link
Thank you for the link to the manual, also.

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