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Club photographers

Posted 07/12/2018 - 19:08 Link
At our small club meeting last night the visiting presenter was a highly regarded member of a prestigious camera club with umpteen letters after his name. I have never heard such an arrogant, rude prat in all my life; his technique for winning competitions (as far as I could see his sole reason for taking photos) was do everything on auto mode and sort it all out in Photoshop afterwards. If the scene isn’t misty enough then put it in later. In semi-auto modes the camera does it anyway so what’s the point, he said. How about filters? Someone asked, to receive a dismissive snort. Same with a tripod - don’t need one, just jack up the ISO and sort it out with....well you can guess. It got a bit creepy when we got on to his “artistic nudes” so I just left for the pub, I couldn’t stomach any more.
Posted 07/12/2018 - 19:22 Link
We have had quite a few presenters from other clubs at ours in the time that I have been a member, and while the quality varies of both their images and their presentational skills/presence varies, I can't recall one who came across as the one you describe.

I might have been lucky, or you may have been unlucky, but in either case in the same circumstance I would have done likewise. We always get feedback after our speakers, and i'm sure that if we had one like that the 'word' would get around pretty smartly and they would find that invitations would dry up!.

K-5iiS; K-r; ME Super; ME; DA* 16-50 f2.8; DA 18-135 WR; DA 55-300 WR; HD DA 15mm F4 ED AL Limited; FA 50mm f1.4; A50mm f1.7; DAL 18-55mm; M40mm f2.8; + assorted non-Pentax lenses

My Flikr Page link
Posted 07/12/2018 - 21:47 Link
This sounds like torture. I'm not one for keeping quiet when something's in my mind and I think I would have said what I think if this chap had been in front of me. I think he would have left with no doubts that he wouldn't be coming back!


Nicola's Apartments, Kassiopi, Corfu

Some cameras, some lenses, some bits 'n' bobs
Posted 08/12/2018 - 20:59 Link
I think I'd have been tempted to walk out after commenting we'd booked a photographer rather than his camera.
Since I'm our club's treasurer, If I walked out he wouldn't have been paid for his visit - seems about right
Pentax:K5ii, K7, K100D, DA18-55, DA10-17, DA55-300, DA50-200, F100-300, F50, DA35 AL, 4* M50, 2* M135, Helicoid extension, Tak 300 f4 (& 6 film bodies)
3rd Party: Bigmos (Sigma 150-500mm OS HSM),2* 28mm, 100mm macro, 28-200 zoom, 35-80 zoom, 80-200 zoom, 80-210 zoom, 300mm M42, 600 mirror, 1000-4000 scope, 50mm M42, enlarger lenses, Sony & micro 4/3 cameras with various PK mounts, Zenit E...
Far to many tele-converters, adapters, project parts & extension tubes etc.

Posted 08/12/2018 - 21:29 Link
I dare say though that there are an increasing number of photographers who would share a lot of those mantras though....

(but no, I'm not one of them)
Posted 09/12/2018 - 17:26 Link
Please remember club judges and lecturers give up their time and are only paid expenses.

Posted 09/12/2018 - 19:06 Link
DOIK wrote:
Please remember club judges and lecturers give up their time and are only paid expenses.


We agree a fee with visiting presenters beforehand; ok it’s not a great deal as they are realistic about club funds but I take exception to pedants. We don’t do competitions except an informal arrangement without judges and I confess I really don’t get the whole club competition aspect of photography.

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