Asahi Photo Solenoid Repair Asahi Photo Solenoid Repair Asahi Photo Solenoid Repair

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  • Topic Locked - You will not be able to post to this topic. Announcement
Posted 28/04/2009 - 21:44 Link
"A place to put your for private sales and wanted camera adverts. Please only use this for Pentax related equipment. Any non photo adverts or trade ads will be deleted"

Please remember this is a place for the adverts and for the replies to the adverts. Posts that list other non-Pentax gear or that stray from the purpose of the section may be deleted.

If communicating by PM it can be helpful to other members if the item being discussed is mentioned. It can also be helpful when an item is sold that the OP finishes off the thread by telling us. Feedback can then follow as appropriate.
Best regards, John
Edited by johnriley: 16/04/2012 - 22:05