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Birds in flight shots using K-50 and Tamron 70-300mm f4-5.6 lens.

Posted 29/07/2016 - 20:12 Link
Gedski wrote:
McGregNi wrote:
Glad to see the shot finally appear! I agree that the 'consumer level' equipment can deliver the goods, although only generally when conditions are good and things are not conspiring against you. I do feel that the Tamron 70-300mm will continue to be a challenging lens for you for this type of photography, and if you have the funds I'd seriously look for good advice for alternatives. There are some very good bird / aircraft / action photographers around here who will know what to look for.

There's two parts to the equation with good IQ for this type of shot ..... there's the autofocus performance, as you've been concerned with here. However fast moving objects will also need a good high shutter speed to be captured sharp, and with your lens you will need to keep a close eye on this, and be ready to increase the ISO to obtain the needed speeds, especially if you're shooting around f8 for example. Certainly this will be a consideration in the dimmer conditions as you've been shooting in.

Do you know what the aperture, ISO and shutter speeds were used for these latest shots?

My portfolio top line reading from left to right details are thus;

1. f11 ISO 100 1/800th 300mm.

2. f11 ISO 100 1/500th 300mm.

3. f11 ISO 100 781/50000,( that can't be right) 300mm.

4. f6.3 ISO 100 1/1250 300mm and finally,

5. f5.6 ISO 400 1/1250 300mm. I think they are all correct.

Since these were taken I think that I've learned a little about the ISO and shutter settings to adopt. Unfortunately my camera was being naughty and showing me memory card error and F-- on the rear screen.

It has all gone back to the retailer at their suggestion, so I'll have to make do with my Canon 760D for now. As soon as I get either a replacement or a repair, I'll get going again. I also think the problem may be something that I've done or not done but It is going to be sorted out.

PS BIF with the 760D is a lot easier.

Drop the F11 to F4 or F5.6 and increase your iso to 400 and your in the right ball park to achieve decent BIF shots with your Pentax gear, this will increase your shutter speed to something like 1/1250 or 1/4000 sec ish.

" A Hangover is something that occupies the Head you neglected to use the night before".

K1 - Sigma 85mm F1.4, Pentax DFA 150 -450 F4.5 / 5.6, Pentax DFA* 24 - 70 F2.8

Samyang 14mm F2.8, Pentax DFA* 70-200 F2.8, Pentax A 50mm F1.2

K3iii + K3ii + K5iis converted to IR, Sigma 17 - 70 F2.8, Pentax 55 - 300 F4.5 / F5.6 PLM
Posted 30/07/2016 - 10:18 Link
I was brought up on manual focus SLR cameras, inheriting my father's interest in photography but, like him, ending up with technically good, poorly composed snap shots no matter how hard I tried. 😥

What we both used for fast moving objects was manual focus, with the lens set at the appropriate hyperfocal setting for the aperture. Unfortunately AF seems to be seen by manufacturers as a good reason to remove the need for manual focus aids on lenses, and by photographer's as the only way to achieve good focus.

So, a long winded way of asking does no-one use hyperfocal settings any more? Once set, all that's left to adjust is ISO and shutter speed, then wait to press the shutter as your target enters the in-focus zone. Agreed, however, that this method won't always isolate the subject from the background, but I doubt using AFC will either.
Edited by JohnX: 30/07/2016 - 10:21
Posted 30/07/2016 - 10:32 Link
Mike-P wrote:
If you can't get a sharp shot of a seagull (possibly the easiest BIF shot you are ever likely to shoot) with the Pentax gear you already have then personally I would stick with your Canon.

The 760D and 70-200mm L f4 are streets ahead of any Pentax camera/lens combo AF wise (especially tracking)

Hello Mike-P and thank you for your observations, they are much appreciated. The shots that you may have seen were the first and only ones that I have taken with the K-50. I deliberately used that Saturday afternoon as the skies were rather gloomy. I knew that I might struggle to get good shots but I wanted to see how the K-50 would respond to those gloomy skies.

My settings didn't help either, so when I get the camera back, using the settings information that you guys have kindly given me and brighter conditions I'm hopeful of getting some half decent BIF shots.
Posted 30/07/2016 - 10:57 Link
I just don't understand why you would want to use the K-50 and a mediocre lens to photograph something that can be done much easier with your Canon gear. I have a 7D and a K-3II, the Pentax is a much newer camera yet it's not a patch on the Canon when it comes to tracking erratic moving objects travelling at speed and tbh I wouldn't dream of using it for such things.

At the end of the day if you have the right tools for the job in the first place then use them.
Posted 30/07/2016 - 13:45 Link
Mike-P, My reasons for getting the K-50 are thus. A couple of years ago I had a K-50. I tried and failed miserably to get BIF with it so I went to Canon. Now, with those couple of years further on I have gleaned a little photographic knowledge. I take rather good BIF with my 760D and so I should but I've wanted to go back to the K-50 and see if I could get decent BIF with it.

I had the chance to get a 'cheaper' second camera and a 'cheaper' lens which more or less gave me the same equipment as previously. I want to prove, if only to myself, that I can do BIF with the K-50 and Tamron lens. because of some medical problems my photographic life is a little limited and at my age I thought that now is as good a time as any to have another go with the K-50. So here goes.
Posted 30/07/2016 - 16:40 Link
So much of this comes down to relative and subjective judgements, and must be placed within the useage context .... the Tamron 70-300 was described earlier as 'mediocre' .... but thats coming from a very particular perspective.

My own description of it would be 'excellent' ... but ... thats from my own personal usage perspective, as well as factoring in the value aspect. I got mine for £79, in as new condition. As such it represents one of the most extraordinary photo equipment bargains available. This is because it elevated my photography instantly, got sharp quality longer distance shots (like that seagull) that I hadn't been able to get before. Its a good portrait lens as well when you are standing well back and want to blur the background.

Of course, a DA*300 would be even better for the long end, and maybe the 60-250mm for the rest .... but I can't spend that sort of money on photography . For me, the bang per buck aspect, and the fullfilling of the photographic needs that I wanted the lens for, makes it an 'excellent' choice!

But, in the case of the OP, its the personal photography needs and usage contexts that are very different. Not many here seem to think the lens can fulfill these needs .... and so in that context the lens falls well short.

So its very little about the actual equipment, and very much about the photographer and his/her photography.
My Guides to the Pentax Digital Camera Flash Lighting System : Download here from the PentaxForums Homepage Article .... link
Pentax K7 with BG-4 Grip / Samyang 14mm f2.8 ED AS IF UMC / DA18-55mm f3.5-5.6 AL WR / SMC A28mm f2.8 / D FA 28-105mm / SMC F35-70 f3.5-4.5 / SMC A50mm f1.7 / Tamron AF70-300mm f4-5.6 Di LD macro / SMC M75-150mm f4.0 / Tamron Adaptall (CT-135) 135mm f2.8 / Asahi Takumar-A 2X tele-converter / Pentax AF-540FGZ (I & II) Flashes / Cactus RF60/X Flashes & V6/V6II Transceiver
Edited by McGregNi: 30/07/2016 - 16:42
Posted 31/07/2016 - 10:24 Link
I've used and still have the K-30, Tamron 70-300 LD DI and Pentax 55-300 HD WR and very much enjoy BIF's or even dragonflies in flight. The tamron works ok, but even my old Canon 30D and 55-250 canon lens outperforms it's abilities to track moving objects. The tamron is reasonably sharp at 300 F8, so I stick to that, shutter speeds around 1/1000 to 1/2000 dependent on subject. Continuous AF and motor drive, turn SR off, back button focusing. The trick I learned is don't press the af button until the bird is over the af points and if it hunts and disappears off to infinity (which it will) just let it but keep the af button pressed, do not release, then get the bird back in the af points and it will refocus on it and stay with it, it is then unlikely to hunt again, until you release the af button and start again. I don't think pentax are good with subjects coming at it, even my K3 struggles with my Pentax FA*300 F4.5, I just accept that it will be a bit behind the subject for most shots but some will hit. I switched to the 55-300 but ended up getting better results with manual focus than af because this lens is slow to af on the K30/50. However not having to deal with bits of Purple fringing all the time with BIF's swung it for me. Now I use none, they just sit in the cupboard waiting to be sold. I've moved to M4/3's for my smaller travel kit, which is what I used the K30 and Tamron for.
Have a look at my flickr site or picasaweb link in the dragonfly and birds albums for some examples of the K30 and Tamron.
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This one is with my older Kr.
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My newer photos google photos
My older Flickr photos Flickr
Even older ones Picasa
Edited by walt: 31/07/2016 - 10:30
Posted 31/07/2016 - 12:04 Link
Walt, many thanks for your suggestions. I'll try them out when my camera comes back, probably next weekend and I'll also look at your shots.
Posted 02/08/2016 - 15:13 Link
Walt, I've taken a look at some of your bird shots, there are so many and very impressive they are too. I didn't see many taken with the K-R or the K-50 though, you must have about six cameras, there are so many shots.

I'm expecting my K-50 back tomorrow. It seems that I may have been the problem. As johnriley suggested a culmination of the aperture ring being dislodged by me somehow resulted in the memory card being corrupted. Result, problems.

Hopefully, if I've managed to learn anything over the weekend and weather allowing, I shall get some half decent BIF to post. Wish me luck, I'll need it.
Posted 02/08/2016 - 19:15 Link
Hi, I counted 14 in the flickr birds album and another 14 in the picasa birds albums all in flight with that lens. However quite a few are with even older cameras (with poorer af than my K-r and K30), the Pentax K100D and the Samsung GX10 (a pentax K10D clone). I know they are jumbled within the rest but I thought rather than post them here in the thread it would be better to point you too them. Sorry if they've been difficult to find. Also as I mention some are with the K30 as I don't have the K50 but believe it to be an almost identical camera.

Good Luck when the K-50 returns. I'll look out for your postings.
My newer photos google photos
My older Flickr photos Flickr
Even older ones Picasa
Posted 03/08/2016 - 08:28 Link
walt wrote:
Hi, I counted 14 in the flickr birds album and another 14 in the picasa birds albums all in flight with that lens. However quite a few are with even older cameras (with poorer af than my K-r and K30), the Pentax K100D and the Samsung GX10 (a pentax K10D clone). I know they are jumbled within the rest but I thought rather than post them here in the thread it would be better to point you too them. Sorry if they've been difficult to find. Also as I mention some are with the K30 as I don't have the K50 but believe it to be an almost identical camera.

Good Luck when the K-50 returns. I'll look out for your postings.

Thanks Walt. I'll have a little more time in the next day or two so I'll go back and have a longer look. I appreciate your time and comments, they are invaluable to a novice like myself. If only I had a brain!
Posted 03/08/2016 - 14:51 Link
Hi, I've set up a new album in picasa and flckr called 'Tamron 70-300 in flight', that should have only ones from this lens in it, making it easy to view.

Also I've just remembered that I tend to use centre af point only (it's second nature so I tend not to think about it). All my above comments about af racking to infinity and keeping the af pressed would be based around this and I'm not sure how it would work if you chose all points or expanded AF. I tried those when I got the K30 (and again on the K3) and decided single point af selection worked better for things in flight.
My newer photos google photos
My older Flickr photos Flickr
Even older ones Picasa
Edited by walt: 03/08/2016 - 15:12
Posted 03/08/2016 - 15:32 Link
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Posted 03/08/2016 - 15:33 Link
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Posted 03/08/2016 - 15:35 Link
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