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Been Here For Awhile...

Posted 18/11/2009 - 04:59 Link
I joined some time ago but haven't introduced myself yet. I've been shooting since high school (I'm 50+ now) and was shooting film until about 4 years ago when I bought my first Pentax DSLR body. I'd used various Pentax 35mm equipment and a Mamiya 645 system but once I started shooting digital I was hooked. I currently have a K10D body and Pentax 28-200 mm, 18-55 mm, and a Sigma 170-500 mm lenses. I use Photoshop 7.0 to edit my photos. I live in the North Denver, Colorado area, and try as often as possible to get out and shoot, either in the mountains to the west, or north or east of Denver for a variety of scenery. My primary interests are railroads, aircraft, and scenery subjects. I have posted some shots in my gallery and have about 350 posted at my website.
Jim Nelson
Denver, CO
K20D, K-7,
Pentax 18 - 55mm, 55 - 300mm, and Sigma 170 - 500mm lenses.
Posted 18/11/2009 - 07:33 Link
Welcome Jim, good to have you onboard.
Posted 18/11/2009 - 10:52 Link
Hello Jim, welcome to the forum
Regards Huw

Posted 18/11/2009 - 13:01 Link
Hello Jim and welcome to the forum.
The older I get the faster I was.
K-3 II, K10D, DA16-85, DA*50-135, DA12-24, DA18-55, DA 50, Sigma EX DG 70mm Macro, Sigma 70-300mm, Sigma DG 120-400mm APO HSM.
Metz 58 AF-1.

My Flickr link
Posted 19/11/2009 - 02:36 Link
Hi and welcome Jim.
Pentax K10D, *istDS
Pentax 18-55mm,50-200mm,Macro 100mm
Takumar-A 28-80mm, Sigma 170-500mm, Soligor Teleconverter x2

Finally!! Sigma 10-20mm

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.
Posted 19/11/2009 - 11:48 Link
Welcome Jim. Those are some good shots in your gallery!
AF - Pentax K5, Sigma 10-20/4-5.6, Tamron 17-50/2.8, Sigma 30/1.4, Sigma 70-200/2.8, Tamron 70-300/4-5.6
MF - Vivitar CF 28/2.8, Tamron AD2 90/2.5, MTO 1000/11
Stuff - Metz 58 AF1, Cactus v4, Nikon SB24, Raynox 150, Sigma 1.4x TC, Sigma 2x TC, Kenko 2x macro TC, Redsnapper 283 tripod, iMac 27”, Macbook Pro 17”, iPad, iPhone 3G
FlickrFluidrPPGStreetPortfolio site
Feel free to edit any of my posted photos! If I post a photo for critique, I want brutal honesty. If you don't like it, please say so and tell me why!
Edited by thoughton: 19/11/2009 - 11:48
Posted 21/11/2009 - 17:52 Link
Hi and welcome to the forum
Posted 24/11/2009 - 15:22 Link
Hi Jim

Welcome to the forum.
Posted 24/11/2009 - 19:13 Link
Hi and welcome.

SMC PENTAX-DA FISH-EYE 1:3.5-4.5 10-17mm ED [IF],
SMC PENTAX-DA 1:4 15mm ED AL Limited, SMC PENTAX-DA 1:3.2 21mm AL Limited,
SMC PENTAX-F 1:2.8 28mm, HD Pentax-D FA* 1:1.4 50mm SDM AW,
SMC PENTAX-DA 1:2.4 70mm Limited, SMC PENTAX-D FA MACRO 1:2.8 100mm WR,
SMC PENTAX-DA* 1:4 300mm ED [IF] SDM,
SMC PENTAX-FA* 1:4 600mm IF & ED,
PENTAX AF160FC Auto Macro Ring Flash.
Posted 30/11/2009 - 04:00 Link
Nice to meet ya Jim...and a big welcome to the site! Enjoy the forum!

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