A mixed bag of what I've been doing.
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Photograph titled 'Monterey Cypress' by Moonraker selected as Pentax User's Photo of the Week.
Photograph titled 'West Coast Sunset' by davidrobinson selected as Pentax User's Photo of the Week.
2552 posts
16 years
Some motorsport. I look on these as easy targets as they don't take much "artistic thought" (although, getting the technical bits right can be a challenge!).
Most taken with my K10d except two aircraft shots taken with the K3II
Some aircraft, Like with the motorsport, the technicalities can be "fun" but the subject does present itself somewhat.
Pentax K10d, *istDL, Kit lens ( 18-55mm ), 50mm f1.7 lens, Tamron 70-300mm lens, Prinzflex 70-162 manual lens, Various old flashes.