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A lens with a speck of fungus

Posted 01/07/2022 - 11:26 Link
Hi guys,

I am in a quandary....

On fleabay there is a Tamron SP AF 90mm f2.8 Di that has "light fungus speckles" and its on for £90...

Is it worth the risk for £90?
The Legendary Terry Pratchett once said:
At the beginning there was nothing... which exploded
Posted 01/07/2022 - 15:50 Link
Ask the seller to take a shot with the aperture wide open whilst a torch is shone through the lens from beneath. That'll show the fungus. Post the shot back here for comment.

I note there's another listed that hasn't yet reached £50.
Posted 01/07/2022 - 16:02 Link
I bought a K200mm lens with fungus, initially put it in the sun, pointing directly at the sun for two days, I was assured this would kill the fungus. Wasn't sure this would work so I watched a U Tube video, stripped and cleaned the Optics. All now good, a little fungus should not affect the images.
Good luck.
Just passing thru
Posted 01/07/2022 - 16:55 Link
Thanks for the replies and advice...

I was really happy buying it... so I thought bugger it.. and bought a Sigma 105mm f/2.8 Lens EX Macro instead for £160!!
The Legendary Terry Pratchett once said:
At the beginning there was nothing... which exploded

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