18-55 50-200 Pentax Kit Lens.
“We must avoid however, snapping away, shooting quickly and without thought, overloading ourselves with unnecessary images that clutter our memory and diminish the clarity of the whole.” - Henri Cartier-Bresson -
The 50-200 has not changed optically to my knowledge.
Have you tried finetuning the AF of the K5 with the lenses?
Pentax K100D + DA18-55ALII + DA55-300
Pentax K5 + FA31Ltd + M50/1.7 + DFA100WR + M120/2.8 (+ DA18-55WR at occasion)
What lenses are you comparing to, when you say they are 'soft focus'? How are you viewing/editing the pictures, or are you talking about prints?
Processing: Adobe Bridge for organisation, DxO Optics Pro Elite for RAW development, ON1 Photo RAW for some 'stylising' and Affintiy Photo for more involved edits.
To answer the points raised.
I use Photoshop elements 4, for storing my images, but never really used, the various adjustments, don’t really know if sharpening is an option with elements 4.
Sorry, but I don’t have the necessary computer knowledge/competence, to upload any images, have tried many times, following sound advice from this forum. But unable to crack it, I think it’s the silver haired old git syndrome. ie (We should not mess with things beyond our limits).
No I have not tried fine tuning the focus on the K5, don’t really want to mess with the factory settings, as it is ok with other lens. (Pentax 100mm macro).
The general opinion seems to be that these original 18-55 and 50-200 kit lens are generally sound, therefore not worth purchasing, updating to the newer WR versions.
When I purchased the K5, I also purchased a Pentax 100mm WR macro, which gives pin sharp images straight from the camera, with both the K10D and K5, I appreciate this is a prime lens, also of better quality than the two kit zooms, so maybe I am now expecting to much from these older kit lens.
Again many thanks to all for taking the time, posting your findings.
Take care.
I. El. (Eng). (Rtd).
You have bought a K5 - that's an expensive and serious camera. You owe it to yourself to get the best out of it and excuses like 'silver haired old git syndrome' simply won't wash! You will find many people here willing to hold your hand through your first steps. Myself included!
No I have not tried fine tuning the focus on the K5, don’t really want to mess with the factory settings, as it is ok with other lens. (Pentax 100mm macro).
Contrary to the K10D (with debug), the K5 allows individual adjustments for a large number of lenses (I think up to 20). Adjustment of your kit lenses will not affect the DFA100WR and adjustment for the 18-55 will not affect the adjustment for the 50-200 and vice versa.
You can also take the K10D to Pentax repair as they can do AF finetuning for up to 6 lenses (someone recently said 4, I seem to remember that it is 6).
Pentax K100D + DA18-55ALII + DA55-300
Pentax K5 + FA31Ltd + M50/1.7 + DFA100WR + M120/2.8 (+ DA18-55WR at occasion)
Sorry the link doesn't work as I had wished, you have to click on 'Professional' too.
The portraits here were taken with the 50-200 link
“We must avoid however, snapping away, shooting quickly and without thought, overloading ourselves with unnecessary images that clutter our memory and diminish the clarity of the whole.” - Henri Cartier-Bresson -
It really would be worth posting some examples here. It isn't hard to do.
Go to www.photobucket.com and create an account. Then click on upload photos, find the photos you want to post by clicking browse and then uplaod them
Once they are on Photobucket click on a photo - you will see a frame come up called links. Click on the one called img code. It will go yellow and say copied.
You can then paste that link into your thread here and your photo will appear for all to see.
Take your time, you can't do anything wrong. It really is worth trying - others can give you so much more advice then once they can see the photos.
90% of the photography on this client's website is mine, all taken with the K20D. All the pictures on this page were taken with the Mk1 18-55 and my very exacting pixel peeping client is happy. link
Sorry the link doesn't work as I had wished, you have to click on 'Professional' too.
The portraits here were taken with the 50-200 link
Just had a look, via your link.
Well that certainly proves the ability of these lens, if proof were needed.
But it also proves that there is an accomplished photographer using them.
Many thanks.
I. El. (Eng). (Rtd).
Have a look in my Portfolio at "DA18-55Mk1" and "Lily" (taken with Mk11) and persuade me these lenses are soft. I am constantly surprised how good they are for kit lenses
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688 posts
16 years
Both these lens are a bit on the soft focus side, with the K10D and with the K5 purchased this year.
The question please, is the new 18-55 and 50-200 AL WR, lens, apart from being weather resistant, also of a better optical quality, to warrant as an up date.
Many thanks.
I. El. (Eng). (Rtd).