#TheatresInDanger Feature in Amateur Photographer
Posted 17/02/2021 - 15:01
What a great effort Bill - really pleased it has taken off so well (deservedly so!) and you've got such great publicity for it, and for anyone who's not ordered the book I'd recommend it
Posted 18/02/2021 - 01:07
Definitely worth purchasing this one. Congratulations on your success Bill.
Posted 21/02/2021 - 08:49
That's great Bill. Very pleased that it is going so well
Posted 21/02/2021 - 09:03
Thanks John, Peter, David and Nigel... yes, it's been a really positive project to work on... am working hard to keep the pics out there, and to keep the issue visible... plenty more ideas/things bubbling under with it, so will keep you posted as and when...
Thanks again for all your support... hugely appreciated this end...
Thanks again for all your support... hugely appreciated this end...
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1349 posts
13 years
Hi all... just a quick post to say that AP and Matty Graham have done a great feature on the #TheatresInDanger book this week... it's in the current issue (Feb 20th)...
There was also a great 6 page feature on it in Professional Photo last month...
The photography press have got right behind it, which is great... and loads of coverage on BBC Radio, ITV, and plenty from the National Press too... all of which has meant that yesterday, I officially sold out the first print run! Reprinting as we speak...
Huge thanks to everyone here who have supported the project, whether it be buying the book itself, or prints, or for the very kind words and messages, of which there have been many... am truly grateful...
The book is still available to order from my website, so do drop by if you're tempted... www.billwardphotography.co.uk/theatresindanger...
Cheers all...