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Weekly #862 - Using The Standard Lens Competition

Title Weekly #862 - Using The Standard Lens
Judge johnriley
Closing Date 07/04/2024
This one is extended to two weeks to give everyone time to sort out an entry, especially as Easter is looming. The brief is to enter an image shot using the standard lens of the camera. This could be the traditional 50mm lens, the wide-standard 35mm if you wish, or the kit zoom set to around that point. There has to be some leeway as the definition of standard lens is slightly flexible! That holds for full frame users. For APS-C users basic standard is around 35mm, but 31mm is also fine, or a zoom set around that point. Let's see some great pictures and rejuvinate out Weekly Competition, we'd rather have it weekly that weakly!

Winning Photograph

Competition Entries

Photographs uploaded to the Weekly #862 - Using The Standard Lens competition.

Posted 08/04/2024 - 00:14 Link
We have been exploring the use of the standard lens recently, so it seemed a good idea to run a competition based on the same theme. So, nominally 50mm for full frame or 35mm for APS-C, let's see what everyone has come up with.

Spring Blossom by davidwozhere – A classic 50mm lens showing off its beautiful bokeh, with a very attractively composed image. It is very subdued in terms of contrast, so perhaps upping the drama a little would be beneficial, but there's no detracting from a very satisfying floral shot.

Out Paddling by NigelK – A reminder here that smaller formats also qualify, and in the case of the pentax Q that means the 8.5mm Standard Prime lens. The quality is excellent, which is another reminder that the 12MP Pentax compacts can deliver excellent images that are well up for posting on the web. In fact, with care they can produce a very effective A3 print. This is a really relaxing image, evoking the quiet pleasures of being out on the water.

Parbella with the HD Pentax-FA 1:2 35mm by sueriley – A familiar scene on a great day for photography, Parbella sitting there just waiting to be photographed. Good composition, good exposure and an interesting subject all pull together to make this a successful image.

Aberaeron by dewsburya – This is a beautiful image indeed, a perfect subject for a standard lens. The lighting is gorgeous and it gives a lazy, warm feeling to this really attractively composed scene. Great travel photography.

The Bridge by PRYorkshire – A peaceful landscape with the bridge adding a bit of variety and interest. I think I might have cropped the bottom of the image to remove the bright reflections near the edge of the frame.

Tulipe – Tulip by Francisbd – Bright, brash and a simple yet effective composition. Sadly, it seems we have quite a bit of motion blur. If this was intentional, fair enough, although I'm not convinced that it works. It's a pity, as without that blur I feel there is some good potential in the shot.

Wilton Windmill by RayW – Winmills make interesting subjects, it's just a pity that the light isn't hitting this one in the most interesting place. It can't be helped of course if we're there at the wrong time, unless we are able to return. That isn't always possible when travelling. You have done a good job with the light as it is.

Great Western Arcade by simonmac – This very impressive, with good depth of field and absolutely straight vertical lines. I would have darkened it slightly, but that is a personal choice.

Ripon Cathedral by Lubbyman – I like the restricted DOF in this one. You have also kept the colour realistic and it can be so easy at Ripon Cathedral for it to stray into the unrealistically warm. It's a great location for photography and I do like that you have found an interesting detail rather than a wider shot.

Last remains of a Protea Flower by noelcmn – Here we have the reverse of the norm, a dark subject framed by indistinct brightness, rather than a brightly lit subject framed darkly. It arguably doesn't look as attractive, but with this subject matter there is no choice and you have handled it well.

Haytor from Hound Tor by Mike In Devon – Wild, rugged and dramatic landscape shows some of what Devon offers. We have spent many happy times in Devon. The distance does take on a slightly diffused look, and some might want a day with less haze to crisp that up. On balance though, I think it's just fine as it is, a realistic and evocative celebration of a rugged landscape.

Many thanks to all who entered, and it's good to see a few more this time. It's a great selection of images to choose from, and the results are:

WINNER is dewsburya with a super travel shot of Aberaeron, a perfect choice for standard lens shot.

SECOND is Simonmac with Great Western Arcade, a strong contender.

THIRD is sueriley with a standard lens view of Parbella.

Highly commended goes to NigelK and davidwozhere, two fine shots that just miss the top three.

Well done all, and now it's over to dewsburya to set and judge the next competition!
Best regards, John
Posted 08/04/2024 - 10:26 Link
Thank you John for setting the competition, for your astute comments and for my second place!

Congratulations to the winner, third and HC shots.

Great entries and good fun!

All the best
Posted 08/04/2024 - 20:31 Link
Thank you John for the 1st place , its a very photogenic place particularly so at sundown
Congratulations to 2nd and 3rd place winners
Posted 11/04/2024 - 13:08 Link
Hi John, many thanks for setting and judging the competition, it's always very interesting to see the variety of entered images.

Best regards

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