Weekly #845 - Windows Competition
Title | Weekly #845 - Windows |
Judge | garethjmorgan | Closing Date | 26/11/2023 |
Description | This week I'd like to see images featuring windows - whether it's a shot through a window or shots of windows themselves is entirely up to you. Usual rules apply. |
Winning Photograph
Competition Entries
Photographs uploaded to the Weekly #845 - Windows competition.
Posted 27/11/2023 - 08:13
Great set of images! Congratulations to Noelcmn a fine winner and to Rayw and Retsoor. Thanks for the competition and judging Gareth J
Posted 27/11/2023 - 09:27
Hello !
Congratulations to the winners! Very beautiful images again this time and congratulations to Garethjmorgan for his analysis of the participating photos! - Fιlicitations aux gagnants ! De trθs belles images encore cette fois et bravo ΰ Garethjmorgan pour son analyse des photos participantes !
Congratulations to the winners! Very beautiful images again this time and congratulations to Garethjmorgan for his analysis of the participating photos! - Fιlicitations aux gagnants ! De trθs belles images encore cette fois et bravo ΰ Garethjmorgan pour son analyse des photos participantes !
Francis - θfbι -
Posted 27/11/2023 - 09:42
Good grief, these unexpected happenings in life! Thank you for the win, for the challenge and Judging exercise Gareth, as usual, much appreciated. My choice would have been RayW, so I am glad he is on the podia. Congrats RayW, and also to Retsoor - getting me to sing that old tune from yesteryear, and the memories! And agree with the sentiments expressed here- great set of images.
I've got the thinking cap on and will post the next challenge shortly.
I've got the thinking cap on and will post the next challenge shortly.
Posted 27/11/2023 - 11:47
Thanks for the competition Gareth and the comments....
congratulations to Noel.... lovely shot! Congrats, too, to the other podia places.
They were all lovely pix.
Gareth, yes, one can't "garden" a downpipe out of a picture.... but at least this one is pre-War zinc and not plastic!!
congratulations to Noel.... lovely shot! Congrats, too, to the other podia places.
They were all lovely pix.
Gareth, yes, one can't "garden" a downpipe out of a picture.... but at least this one is pre-War zinc and not plastic!!
Never be afraid to talk about your techniques...
"Give a thousand photographers...
the same camera, lens and scene...
and you'll always get a thousand different takes!!"
"Give a thousand photographers...
the same camera, lens and scene...
and you'll always get a thousand different takes!!"
Posted 27/11/2023 - 15:30
Thanks for the podium place. They were a great set of images. And the judging/crique is so well considered - nice job! Now for the next one. I have an idea for it, but no idea how to pull it off!
Posted 27/11/2023 - 17:16
Good judging and competition Gareth and thanks for third spot. Congratulations to Noel-a
good image, and well done also to Ray.
good image, and well done also to Ray.
Posted 29/11/2023 - 23:32
Brilliant piece of thinking by Noel - Congratulations on your first (and commiserations on the work you have been landed with). And well done Ray and Kevin. Thanks Gareth for the well considered comments and for setting an interesting contest.
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10 years
Church window by NigelK I fully expected to see some stained glass and this is a great one straight out of the box. Of course, the pattern here is quite abstract (although if you look at certain angles I am sure I can see some faces in there) but the tomes and patterns are really effective. Add to that the very subtle appearance of the cross at the bottom of the window makes this quite a powerful image.
Old windows reflected in new windows by Davidwozhere super colours in this the strong yellows work very well with the neutral grey. The contrast between the traditional buildings in the reflections and the rather utilitarian metal structure is quite thought provoking. I think I would have been tempted to straighten up the vertical and horizontal lines making a more squared off image (but that may just be the way my mind works!)
Stained Glass Window Tewkesbury Cathedral by sueriley another fine example of stained glass . The colours are subtle but highly complementary. Focus and exposure are very well handled and conveys the emotion in the image. Again I would have been tempted to try to straighten the image up it appears to be leaning back ever so slightly.
Windows at Bolton Abbey by johnriley - another take on stained glass but this time about the overall shapes and play of light rather than the detail. The diagonal run of windows across the picture gives it a strong dynamic and it very evocative of its environment. Colours are strong and the way the coloured light hits the stones has been captured is excellent.
Spreeside by Rayw great bit of street photography with a strong diagonal through the image and the excellent contrast between glass and concrete (or whatever) has been set of perfectly by the young couple. It could be argued that the couple are the subject of this image but the windows are clearly a strong element and make it an excellent fit for this brief. I think I would have cropped in a bit tighter just below the bottom of the steps and in on the right to where the windows start as this would have moved the couple closer to the third both vertically and horizontally. ( of course it does take away a little of the symmetry all a matter of taste at the end of the day!)
History by MHOL190246 A triptych of stained glass taken from exactly the right viewpoint. The exposure and composition are excellent bringing out the strong and vibrant colours throughout dealing well with what could be quite an awkward shape. Again on one of my hobby horses I would have straightened the verticals.
Intense by design? by drofmit as the title implies another intriguing image. The window is superbly lit by light from another source. Strong colours and the window sits well in its surroundings which are also interesting in their own right. Shame about the modern drainpipe but nothing you can do about that.
Windows by palani a good record shot of two windows or is it a door and a window. The balcony structure is an interesting construction is it an original feature or was it added later. The supporting brackets look worryingly thin and flimsy. Well seen and well captured.
Let me in! by Noelcmn this image immediately made me think of the horror film Let me in even before Id registered the title! The different colours and designs off the window and the dark surroundings already give it quite a menacing feeling fully enhanced by the rather despairing figure at the bottom. Excellent story-telling image.
How much is the one in this window? by Retsoor from horror to humour this one made me smile straight away. The dog has been well caught has something of an inscrutable look to him (or her). The vase brings another point of interest and matching tones of the vase the wall and the patch of fur around the dogs left eye all match giving a really harmonious feel to the image.
Sankt Anton Summer by Dewsburya another image that relies on an harmonios colour palette. The bright flowers really set of the window picking up on the pink of the surround and some of the items in the room (lamp shade etc). These all sit well in the neutral cream background and make for a very pleasing image.
And so to the winner again a difficult choice this time. For strength of story telling in the image I went with Let me In by Noelcmn.
1 Let me in by Noelcmn
2 Spreeside by Rayw
3 How much is the one in this window? by Retsoor