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Weekly #841 - Black and White in Colour Competition

Title Weekly #841 - Black and White in Colour
Judge garethjmorgan
Closing Date 29/10/2023
So this week I am looking for images on any subject at all - as long as the subject is predominantly Black and White. However - just to make it interesting - the image should be in colour - monochrome images.

Winning Photograph

Competition Entries

Photographs uploaded to the Weekly #841 - Black and White in Colour competition.

Posted 30/10/2023 - 09:01 Link
Gull Ivers Travels by FLAN – excellent capture of the gull in flight, no distractions in the background so focus entirely on the bird. Always hard to photograph black and white birds – keeping detail in the shadows and highlight areas , white of the tail is a little over otherwise great exposure. Bird has lots of space to fly into although is a little near the top of the frame.

A black scallop shell by Davidwozhere – great record shot – almost architectural in feel. The colour here is really subtle but it is there. Positioning of the shell is excellent and I like the use of light and shade – which emphasizes the texture and shape on the subject.

Grand Entry At The Ritzville Rodeos 50th Anniversary Rodeo by BraydenBise – I love the almost cinematic feel of this image , reminiscent of those great Westerns we used to get (in particular made me think of “Boots and Saddles” – showing my age there!!) . A very dynamic feel here and although you can’t see a lot of detail you can see exactly what is going on. The black and white uniforms certainly fit the brief.

Une petite touche de couleur - A little touch of color by Francisbd. Magnifique! This is an excellent architectural record shot. The play of shapes in the arches and windows and the details in the bricks work very well and the lighting on the crucifix is super. And then there is that little pop of colour which makes this image a perfect match for the brief

Black Winged Stilt by PRYorkshire – another black and white bird, this time with the bird almost static in its natural environment – water. Bird is really well exposed -and the red legs really stand out in the image. Might have been nice to see more of the birds reflection and less of the water above its head. Having said that stilts have made their way to my part of Yorkshire as well but I have yet to capture an image that is half as good as this.

Zebra Abstraction by Noelcmn – interesting pattern picture and something a bit different. Given the challenge the easy option would have been to just photograph a zebra but the author has chosen to take a different route which makes for an altogether more satisfying outcome. Lovely detail in the fur and the diagonal through the image works really well.

Difficult choice this week – not so many images but I could make an argument for each one. So in the end I went with
1. Une petite touche de couleur - A little touch of color by Francisbd
2. Grand Entry At The Ritzville Rodeos 50th Anniversary Rodeo by BraydenBise
3. A black scallop shell by Davidwozhere

Highly commended for the other 3 images.
Posted 30/10/2023 - 17:04 Link
Well done Francisbd and runners up, thanks Garethmorgan for the critique and comments.
The crop in my own entry (a little high, you commented) was an AI crop and I thought it to high also, I just thought to leave it in Not so Intelligent AI
Posted 30/10/2023 - 23:48 Link
Beautiful tones in the arches on that Francis - Congratulations on your 1st and to BraydenBise for the sought after 2nd place. And thank you for the 3rd and for your comprehensive comments.
Both the *istDS and the K5 are incurably addicted to old glass

My page on Photocrowd
Posted 02/11/2023 - 09:34 Link
Thank you for choosing my photo as the winner of this nice little competition.
Big congratulations to the other participants who could also have ended up in 1st place.

Merci d' avoir choisi ma photo comme lauréate de ce sympathique petit concours.
Grand bravo aux autres participants qui auraient pu aussi se retrouver à la 1ère place.
Francis - èfbé -

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