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Monthly #142 - April Open Competition

Title Monthly #142 - April Open
Judge Nigelk
Closing Date 30/04/2024
This month I'm setting an open competition. I'd like to see, left to your own devices what catches your eye this month. Any subject that motivates you to capture an image this month.
Usual rules apply, Pentax/Ricoh cameras and the image must be captured during this month April 2024. The winner has to set and judge next months competition.

Winning Photograph

Competition Entries

Photographs uploaded to the Monthly #142 - April Open competition.

Currently there's no entries to this competition - Upload your entry
Posted 01/05/2024 - 11:34 Link
I'm delighted that 6 Pentax Users felt the need to take some images in April and share them in the monthly comp, thank you for your entries.

Mr Neil Higham by johnriley

A lovely well framed and good judgement of exposure in what was clearly a slightly challenging situation concerning a dark environment with a strong directional light. The icing on the cake is Mr Highams excellent modeling, his expression is just right.

Monopole 2014 by kasperbergholt
Lovely use of depth of field to highlight the Monopole, I don't like to think what a bottle might cost in the restaurant. The use of monochrome suiting the image well. Nicely done

April-Where by sueriley
A delightful capture of a grey squirrel posing beautifully for you. Sharp from the whiskers on its nose to the hair on its tail. Well framed.

Solar Eclipse seen in Texas by jrutle
Now here's something we don't see every day! Quite an amazing event nicely captured. I'm sure many of us would have loved to have been there with you experiencing it and capturing it with you. Amazing!

Power Source by Noelcmn
Like something from war of the worlds. The moody and slightly ominous atmosphere really appealing to me. The pylon really is looming over us. Run and hide! Oh yes!

Grass droplets by Flan
A real contrast to the other entries, a beautifully judged macro that manages to capture April in the UK in a single image. Lush green grass and water. The depth of field guiding the eye into the sharp sharp centre water droplets.

I am having trouble deciding who has the top spot.
johnriley you've got top spot.
The other entries I don't feel the need to give places as they are all good strong images in their individual ways, thank you again.

Keep clicking
Posted 01/05/2024 - 18:22 Link
Well done JohnRiley an excellent winning photograph, I remember school from youth, maybe not as far back as this representation goes but discipline and order were its very foundations.
Thanks Nigelk for the thoughtful comments regarding the entries.
It's a pity though that the monthly comp doesn't receive enough submissions.
Posted 01/05/2024 - 21:21 Link
Thanks for the win! Neil makes quite a convincing school master so that helped make the image, full credit therefore goes to the model.
Best regards, John

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