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Spring Flower Photography

Here are a few quick hints and tips for getting some great flower shots this spring.

Posted: 01/03/2013 - 11:30


Spring is here yet again, and it's the perfect time to head out and shoot some flowers.

Here, we'll run through some top tips for spring flower photography. At this time of year, the snowdrops start blooming, and the daffodils, crocuses and other spring blooms soon follow.

Use a tripod - It's a good idea to use a tripod that splays out really low to the ground, to save you having to lay down in awkward positions. It also enables you to set up a shot whilst having your hands free to tweak the elements in your shot.

Macro lens – When you're shooting one flower, or a couple of flowers together, A macro lens will work well as it'll keep the focus of the shot on the flowers, and nicely blur out the background elements that could distract the eye. If you don't have a macro lens, a lens such as the Pentax DA 70mm f/2.4 will provide lovely Bokeh and enable you to get really close up and detailed photos of the flowers. Use your tripod to get down to the flower's level for something a little different from the normal looking down shot. Reflectors will help to enlighten your flower, and if you'll be kneeling down for a long time consider some knee pads.

Wide angle lens – If you have the opportunity to shoot a large group of flowers, opt for a wide angle lens. This will enable you to photograph a carpet of flowers and capture more of the scene. Wide angles can also be used to create something a little different by using them to shoot a small group of flowers from underneath, to create the illusion that they are much bigger than their actual size. The Pentax DA 14mm f/2.8 ED is an ultra wide angle lens that will be ideal if you own an *istD camera.

Lakes Spring

Photo by John Gravett of Lakeland Photographic Holidays

Abstract for something different – Photographing spring flowers can be done in several ways and you don't have to stick to the norm. Try photographing some close up abstracts for something different. This can be easier to do if you have flowers in the home, such as shop bought daffodils. Using natural window light, you can capture some really lovely close up images of the petals and inner trumpet of the flowers.

Macro mode on compacts – If you don't have a DSLR or mirrorless camera where you can affix a dedicated lens, you can still use your compact in macro mode to get some nice close up images. The Pentax Optio WG-1 GPS features a digital microscope mode, which enables you to shoot a subject from just 1cm away using LED lights and a macro stand, which could be ideal for those close up abstract shots.

Explore - Head out to your local woods or green space and see what you can find. You might discover you have a hidden gem of flowers that is ideal to photograph. You could even take a trip further afield to find an area of outstandign natural beauty to get some really stunning shots. If you have an idea of what you'd like to shoot, take the time to play around with modes and settings on your camera to see what works best. Spring blooms are only around for a limited time, so get out while you can to photograph the first blooms of the year.

Members photos with related tags: Spring,Flower

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