How to make a simple frame for your images in Photoshop.
Posted: 02/09/2011 - 00:00

When you have your image open, go to the Image menu and select Canvas Size. In the window that opens make sure the Relative box is ticked and change the units for the Height and Width to pixels. Input a figure, we used 30 but you can make this number as large or as small as you like. To add colour to your frame, find the Canvas Extension Colour drop down menu and pick the shade you want to use. White, black and grey are already on the list but if you want to use red, for example, click on other and a window with a colour palette will pop open. Then hit OK.
If you think the line is too thick or thin, undo the changes in your history tab, by going to Edit>Undo or by hitting Ctrl, Alt, Z if you're working on a PC. Then simply repeat the previous steps, entering a smaller or larger number.
Finished image:

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